Press review for Tuesday, September 24, 2024 –

The meeting between the President of the Senate, the Presidents of the Provincial Assemblies and the Governor of Tanganyika, is widely commented on by the newspapers published this Tuesday.

Approaching the subject, Le Standard info announced that on Monday, September 23, 2024, the President of
Senate, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde received in turn the 26 Presidents of the Provincial Assemblies of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Governor of the province of Tanganyika, Christian Kitungwa, in his office at the Palais du Peuple.

Also speaking about the meeting, The Journal said that received in first position, the Presidents of the Provincial Assemblies affirmed that they had come to submit to the Speaker of the Senate, the problems facing their respective assemblies throughout the national territory, in this case the questions relating to the unpaid salaries of provincial deputies, but also those relating to investment funds for provincial executives and to the retrocession to the provinces.

The Great Debate while he focused on the passage of the Governor of the province of Tanganyika.

« For his part, the governor of the province of Tanganyika not only presented his courtesies to the President of the Senate, but also, he submitted to him a series of problems that his province is experiencing.“, specifies the weekly.

Evening news Finally, he indicated that the President of the Senate had been very attentive and receptive, especially since he had already echoed this situation during his recent parliamentary recess. And that, aware of the fact that the Senators are the emanation of the provinces and that they are the bearers of
voices of these at the central level, the president promised them his involvement in finding suitable solutions.


Emongo Gerome

2024-09-24 11:52:49
#Press #review #Tuesday #September #



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