Brainless! Reporter reported on-site a major car accident, millions of Internet celebrity singers stole the camera and danced and were scolded – Mirror Weekly Mirror Media

2024.09.24 15:05 Taipei time


Brainless! Reporters were on-site to report on a major car accident, and tens of millions of Internet celebrity singers were scolded for dancing for the camera. (Reproduced from! Reporters were on-site to report on a major car accident, and tens of millions of Internet celebrity singers were scolded for dancing for the camera. (Reproduced from

On the 21st of this month, a major car accident occurred in the Pirai area, a southern suburb of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many media came to the scene to report online. However, there happened to be an Internet celebrity and well-known singer “MC Livinh” with tens of millions of fans at the scene. However, MC Livinh took advantage of a reporter’s online reporting and suddenly rushed in to steal the camera and dance, causing dissatisfaction and discussion among netizens. .

According to the British “Daily Mail” report, a large bus carrying 43 passengers suddenly overturned on the road in Pilay. It was reported that the bus was carrying a Brazilian American football team. There are 2 team members and drivers. However, the accident resulted in the tragic deaths of three players and 12 other injuries. The police initially confirmed that neither driver was drunk. As for the cause of the bus overturning, further investigation is still needed.

After the accident, a TV station immediately sent personnel to the scene to report online. When a female reporter was reporting on the fatal car accident in front of the camera, the camera could see that MC Li Wen happened to be in the car formation, and he ran directly out of the car. And ran behind the female reporter. Then MC Li Wen started dancing in front of the news camera and doing weird things. At this time, the news station also noticed something was wrong and immediately switched the camera to other accident scenes.

Subsequently, this video went viral among netizens. Many netizens were very dissatisfied with MC Li Wen’s intrusive behavior and cursed him: “In order to become famous, what he did was stupid.”, “This is a fatal accident. Are you guilty?” Get sick!” MC Li Wen later explained that he had no idea that there was a fatal car accident in front of him and simply thought he was trapped in a traffic jam, so he adhered to the “spirit of dancing wherever there is a camera.” “, directly into the TV news lens. MC Li Wen said that he was shocked to see something was wrong when fans told him “it was a fatal car accident”, and he later apologized to the public.


The bus overturned. (Reproduced from

Update time |2024.09.24 15:05 Taipei time

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