‘Stay or I’ll burn you!’: A piranha gang stabbed a motorist, robbed him and escaped

2024-09-24 17:40:00

Last Monday night, the 48-year-old systems consultant Fernando Rossi Sanz suffered violent attack on track. The man was returning with his wife Indiana from Santa Fe to their home near Boedo, Buenos Aires, at kilometer 80 on Route 9 between Zalate and Campana. Drivers are unable to avoid concrete blocks while driving in the fast lane, and The impact caused the right front tire to burst. He managed to get close to the shoulder and A group of thieves appeared there.

When the couple was about to change the tire, they heard: “Stay or I’ll burn you!” and “If you look at me, I’ll burn you!” A criminal appeared and stabbed the driver in the left leg. exist less than 20 secondsattacker they took everything they could fled in the victim’s Fiat 500X.

Archives – Security Operations Against Piranha-Style Robbery

According to a complaint filed by the Campana Police Station, the robbery occurred at 10:15 pm on Monday, the 2nd of this month. On August 31, another robbery with similar characteristics occurred, and a couple also “concrete strip”. In the case published by La Nación, the thieves attacked by placing a cement beam in it fast lane of pan american This allows motorists to be forced to stop after tire failure or other damage to their vehicles, clearing the way for robberies. According to sources from the judicial department, the criminal committed another crime the night before yesterday.

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Rosisans said he initially thought there was a piece of cardboard in the road. “When I realized it was a cinder block, I tried to dodge it but I couldn’t and the impact was so strong The right front tire burst. I was able to maneuver and get back to the asphalt and headed to right shoulder”, he elaborated nation .

When he was able to stop, he got out of the car and saw that the right front hood had been destroyed. “Nothing was seen. The area is a wolf den. but we are ready Change tires. when i’m looking for spare tire, I heard my wife tell me “Cuddado, Cuddado”. That’s when they grabbed me from behind and took me out of the car.

“They stuck a knife in my left leg, level with my thigh, and threw me to the floor. They shouted at me, ‘Stay or I will burn you!’ ‘If you look at me, I It will burn you to death,” the victim recalled.

The criminals took away an HP-branded laptop, an iPhone 11 Pro Max, documents, credit cards and even the mechanical manual for the victim’s Fiat 500X. After the robbery, the couple tried to get help but no one stopped them.

Finally, another driver came to their aid and they managed to call the emergency number 911 to report what had happened.

Campana’s complaint

In a Campana police report, the woman described the thief as having a slim build and wearing an inflatable jacket. “They were holding sharp objects, I thought they were knives, but I couldn’t see them clearly because of the darkness and the speed with which everything happened,” described a 50-year-old accountant in Indiana.

After filing the complaint, they went to a nursing home in Campana, where they completed the treatment started by the surgeon who helped him on Route 9.

Campana prosecutor Matias Ferreiros, with the cooperation of Buenos Aires police detectives, investigated the attack on Rosie Sanz and his wife.


#Stay #Ill #burn #piranha #gang #stabbed #motorist #robbed #escaped



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