400 recruitments in the Municipality of Athens

Those interested are invited to complete the application with a code, as the case may be, FORM ASEP SOH 1PE/TE or FORM ASEP SOH 2DE/YE and submit it, together with the required supporting documents, either in person or with another person authorized by them, as long as the authorization bears their signature certified by a public authority, at the offices of the service at the following address: Municipality of Athens, Liosion 22, Athens, Protocol, Processing and Records Office, 2nd floor, or by post, by registered letter, at the offices of the service at the following address: Municipality of Athens, Liosion 22, P.O. 10438 77510, 2105277514, 2105277516, 2105277520).

Ranking of candidates

The ranking among candidates who have the same qualifications (main or secondary) is done in descending order based on the total score they obtain from the graded ranking criteria [χρόνος ανεργίας, πολυτεκνική ιδιότητα, τριτεκνική ιδιότητα, μονογονεϊκή ιδιότητα, αριθμός ανήλικων τέκνων, βαθμός τίτλου σπουδών, διδακτορικό δίπλωμα, αυτοτελής μεταπτυχιακός τίτλος, ενιαίος και αδιάσπαστος τίτλος μεταπτυχιακού επιπέδου (integrated master), δεύτερος τίτλος σπουδών, εμπειρία, αναπηρία υποψηφίου, αναπηρία συγγενικού ατόμου]. In the event of a tie between candidates in the overall score, the one who has the most points in the first graded criterion (time of unemployment) and if they coincide, the one who has the most points in the second criterion (large parent and child of a large family) and so on. If the candidates are tied again, the oldest one based on his date of birth takes precedence, while if all the above criteria are exhausted, the order between them is determined by a public lottery.

22 seasonal in the Municipality of Agrini

The Municipality of Agrinio announces the recruitment, with a fixed-term private law employment contract, of a total of twenty-two (22) people for the implementation of the action “Promotion and support of children for their inclusion in pre-school education, as well as for the access of pre-school children, teenagers and Persons with Disabilities in creative employment services” period 2024-2025, of the Municipality of Agrinio, based in Agrinio of the Regional Unit of Etoloakarnania, and specifically the following, by service, seat, specialty and duration of contract, number of persons: 1 PE Psychologists, 4 TE of Early Childhood Educators, 1 TE of Nurses, 1 TE of Social Workers, 1 TE of Speech Therapists, 11 TE of Childcare Assistants, 3 TE of Cooks. Those interested are invited to complete the application with a code, as the case may be, FORM ASEP SOH 1PE/TE or FORM ASEP SOH 2DE/YE and submit it, together with the required supporting documents, either in person or with another person authorized by them, as long as the authorization bears their signature certified by a public Authority, or by post, by registered letter, to the offices of the service at the following address: MUNICIPALITY OF AGRINIOU, CHARILAOU TRIKOUPI 10, AGRINIOU, P.O. 30131, (contact phone: 26413-60420).

41 people in the Municipality of Glyfada

The Municipality of Glyfada announces the conclusion of a project lease agreement for a total of forty-one (41) people to meet the needs of the Municipality of Glyfada, based in Glyfada, of the Regional Unit of the South Sector of Athens, for the purpose of the execution of the projects: a) “Sports – Social Activities”, b) “Cultural activities” and c) “Educational activities”, with a total duration of up to twelve (12) months. Those interested are invited to complete the application with a code, as the case may be, FORM ASEP SME 1PE/TE or FORM ASEP SME 2DE/YE and submit it to the following address: Municipality of Glyfada, Alsos 15 Glyfada, P.O. 16675, (tel.: 210-9602750).

15 in the Region of North Macedonia – Thrace

The Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace announces the recruitment, with a fixed-term private law employment contract, of a total of fifteen (15) people from the Directorates of Agricultural Economy and Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary Departments) of the Regional Units of Drama, Evros, Kavala, Xanthi and Rodopi. Applications to the following address: Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Demokratis 1, P.O. 69133, Komotini, (contact phone: 25313-50199).

Digital Tutoring: 4,000 entries in each course – After 50 years the curricula are updated

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Child and Cancer: Psychology in Treatment

#recruitments #Municipality #Athens



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