Worth seeing: 20+ exhibitions curated by the Lithuanian National Art Museum | Culture

As the director of LNDM Arūnas Gelūnas said, in autumn the museum will welcome a new burst of creativity in Lithuania and the international space.

“In France, we are opening an exclusive large-scale exhibition of Aleksandra Kasuba and Marija Olšauskaitė at the famous contemporary art museum Carré d’Art, the work of 12 Lithuanian jewelers has already been successfully presented at the Cagnes-sur-Mer Museum of Contemporary Jewelry, the exhibition will run until December 8, and the impressive works of the Paris Fiminc Foundation space on October 10 the audience will be invited to the contemporary Lithuanian art exhibition “Ambassadoriai” specially prepared for the season by LNDM curators. At that time, “Pakui Hardware” and “Ignition” by Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė were still burning at the Venice Biennale, the director said.

Photo by Gintarė Grigėnaitė/Arūnas Gelūnas

According to him, extraordinary exhibitions of world-renowned foreign artists – David Goldblatt, the great of humanistic photography, and the famous naïve art creator Marija Primachenko, who is coming from Ukraine, which is still suffering from Russian aggression, are also waiting in Lithuania: “I am sure that the inventive and professional LNDM team will surprise the art amateurs and professionals.”

in 2024 the autumn season program includes 11 exhibitions at LNDM branches in Vilnius, Klaipėda and Palanga. The exhibition will be accompanied by education, creative workshops, and public lectures. All LNDM expositions can be viewed both independently and by ordering the services of guides. Special tours with the curators and the artists themselves are also organized at the exhibitions.

The colorful world of M. Primachenko is in the Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum

October 15 The Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum will present exhibition “I give you sunny art. The collection of Maria Primachenko’s works, evacuated from the Zaporizhia Regional Art Museum”.

The artist Maria Primachenko (1909-1997) is considered a national treasure of Ukrainians – one of the world’s most prominent creators of naïve art, who found inspiration in Ukrainian folk art traditions. The artist created a unique world by painting with the gouache technique on paper. From 2022 M. Primachenko’s works are exhibited in museums and galleries in Dresden, Kyiv, London, New York, Warsaw.

LNDM photo/Delivery of Marija Primachenko's works to the LNDM Pran Gudyna restoration center

LNDM photo/Delivery of Marija Primachenko’s works to the LNDM Pran Gudyna restoration center

LNDM continues the evacuation of art values ​​from Ukraine and their presentation in Lithuania: a hundred works of M. Primachenko were brought from the Zaporizhia Region Art Museum. Some of the artist’s works were destroyed in 2022. after Russia bombed the Ivankiv Museum of Local History in February. Currently, the works considered as Ukrainian national value are being restored at the LNDM Pran Gudyno Restoration Center and digitized by LIMIS. This is the eleventh LNDM exhibition of works evacuated from Ukrainian museums.

The exhibition is organized in cooperation with the charity foundation “Maria Prymachenko Family Creative Heritage” and the limited liability company “LAW NET”.

The National Gallery of Art will present the work of South African photographer David Goldblatt

In the middle of November, the National Art Gallery will open an exhibition of one of the most prominent works of the 20th century. Social documentary photographers of the second half Exhibition of works by David Goldblatt (1930-2018).. The artist’s works will be presented in Lithuania for the first time.

D. Goldblatt was related to Lithuania – the world-class photographer’s grandparents were Lithuanians from the 19th century. help lived in Lithuania, in the town of Papilė in Akmenė district.

D. Goldblatt’s photographs, according to art critics, are characterized by social sensitivity and political awareness. The artist captured images of apartheid, the state’s policy of racial discrimination and segregation. D. Goldblatt’s works are considered extremely important in the 20th century. part of the world photography canon.

Courtesy of the David Goldblatt Estate and Goodman Gallery/David Goldblatt, Owner of Divided Land with Servant's Daughter

Courtesy of the David Goldblatt Estate and Goodman Gallery/David Goldblatt, Owner of Divided Land with Servant’s Daughter

The photographer has received the highest global awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York.

D. Goldblatt’s work has been presented in the main art institutions of the world: the Georges Pompidou National Center for Art and Culture in Paris, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Jewish Museum in New York, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, etc.

The exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Johannesburg-based Goodman Gallery, which helps the Goldblatt family to preserve and disseminate the artist’s creative legacy around the world.

In LNDM branches in the capital – Latvian avant-garde, attention to the expression of feelings and the art of emigrants returning to Lithuania

LNDM’s capital departments – National Art Gallery, Radvil Palace Art Museum, Applied Art and Design Museum, Vilnius Picture Gallery, Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum – will invite visitors to 10 new exhibitions.

In mid-October, the doors of the LNDM Radvilai Palace Art Museum will be opened by the Augmented Reality festival organized by the “Uncomfortable Cinema” festival. paroda „NK-INTERACTIVE“.

At the end of November, the museum will introduce the exhibition to the 90s of the last century an exhibition about the legendary Latvian group of experimental art and avant-garde music “NSRD” (lat. Workshop for the Restoration of Nonexistent Feelingsleft. Unfelt feelings restoration workshop). The group’s activity was distinguished by its interdisciplinary and diverse nature: its members created poetry, song texts and collective literary works, experimental music, architectural visions, performances, video films, realized actions in nature and urban space, organized events. The avant-garde legacy of this Latvian cultural phenomenon, the practiced ideas of community, irony and unique aesthetics are not only relevant to contemporary Latvian artists, but also reveal the general aspiration for creative and political freedom in the historical context of the Baltic region. The exhibition is held in conjunction with the Latvian Center for Contemporary Art, which is exploring the group’s rich archive.

Juris Boiko, NSRD, Latvian Center for Contemporary Art

Juris Boiko, NSRD, Latvian Center for Contemporary Art

LNDM Radvilai Palace Art Museum will invite visitors of various ages and needs to creative meetings in the new creativity space “Art of Education” at the end of September – beginning of October.

In the Museum of Applied Arts and Design, visitors will be able to see from the end of October Eglė Čejuskaitė-Gintale jewelry exhibition and being organized for the seventh time contemporary metal art biennial “METALOFONAS”.

Poster/Jewelry exhibition

Poster/Jewelry exhibition

LNDM Vilnius Picture Gallery will invite visitors to three new exhibitions in November.

The first of them is “Young Painter Prize” expositionwhich will present the work of young contemporary art representatives of the Baltic countries.

Visitors will also be invited to a guided tour by historians of art and medicine the exhibition “What kind of clinic is this?”revealing the 19th century Pages of Vilnius medical history. At the exhibition, it will be possible to get acquainted with the disease histories of patients of Vilnius University’s Therapy, Surgery and Obstetrics Clinics, medical diagnostic instruments, treatment methods, scientific works and the most famous doctors.

In the last days of autumn, the Vilnius Picture Gallery will present the exhibition “Senses and Feelings”where visitors will see the expression of human senses and emotions from the 16th to the 20th centuries. in the fine and applied art of the beginning and in the old publications of philosophers and scientists of the New Age, which sought to explore the passions of the soul and the senses of the body, often used by the artists themselves. At the same time, the gallery will have renewed permanent exhibitions: “Vilnius Art School and its Traditions” and “Portraits of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania”.

After the presentation of M. Primachenko’s work in the Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum in October, it will be opened at the beginning of November exhibition “Jurgis Mikševičius: in the light of the sun, in the shadow of the moon”. A retrospective of the works of Australian-Lithuanian artist Jurgis Medgardas Mikševičius (1923–2013) will be held in Lithuania for the first time. Its basis will be 2023. A collection of 75 paintings and graphic works by JMMikševičius was donated to LNDM, which was brought to Lithuania with the joint efforts of the Culture Council, the Australian Lithuanian Foundation and the artist’s family.

Flowers, fruits and thorns on the beach

Already on October 11 LNDM Pranas Domšaitis gallery in Klaipėda will present to residents and guests of the port city exhibition “Flowers, fruits and thorns”. The curator of the exhibition, Akvilė Anglickaitė, will invite you to consider the role of nature, specifically plants, in the work of today’s artists: is it a kind of escapism in the background of informational noise, ecological threat? The exhibition will also be adapted for visitors with visual impairments. Participants in the exhibition: Rūta Spelskytė, Uliana Damkienė, Donata Minderytė, Vitalijus Červiakovas, Gintas Kavoliūnas, Marija Marcelionytė, Vytautas Juozenas, Adomas Danusevičius, Viktorija Makauskaitė, Marija Šnipaitė, Varvara Spilt, Daumantas Plechavičius and Aistė Valiūtė.

October 24 At LNDM’s Pranas Domšaitis gallery, it will be possible to get acquainted with the pioneer of abstract painting Kaze Zimblytė’s exhibition “Abstractions: between moods and the worldmade up of works stored in LNDM collections and exhibited this summer in Pamarios Gallery.

LNDM photo/Kazė Zimblytė

LNDM photo/Kazė Zimblytė “Moods are changing”

In the gallery you can also see the renewed permanent work of the internationally recognized artist Pranas Domšaitis. exhibition “Always on the go”until December 1 the classics of frescoes and mosaics will also work Exhibition of works by Angelina Banytė.

LNDM at the Clock Museum in Klaipėda until December 1. can be seen exhibition “Florentempus”, revealing man’s efforts to understand himself through his relationship with nature and showing how this relationship has changed over the centuries.

LNDM Palanga Amber Museum until 2025. April 13 will invite visitors to see the summer gone exhibition “The Last Beach”. The photographs and paintings exhibited in it offer visitors a look at their relationship with the Baltic Sea and the resort inviting them to relax, and to pay attention to the increasingly topical ecological problems and the anxiety they cause.

Residents and guests of the Curonian Spit will be invited to the events of the “Migrating Museum” project at the LNDM Pamarios gallery for the second year between October and December. Exhibitions and meetings with creators will be complemented by local residents’ gourmet masterpieces.

The Lithuanian National Art Museum in the international arena

LNDM also actively participates in the program of the Lithuanian season in France, which is complemented by three exclusive exhibitions. Already in June, in the south of France, in the city of Cagnes-sur-mer, LNDM opened a jewelry store that will be open until the end of the year the exhibition “Tell them about amber, metal and life: Lithuanian jewelry 1990-2023”.

In October, LNDM and its partners will invite the French audience to two exhibitions at the Carré d’Art Museum in Nîmes: “Alexandra Kasuba. Imagining the future” and Marija Olšauskaitė’s “Heart”. Also to the contemporary Lithuanian art exhibition “Ambassadoriai” in the premises of the foundation “Fiminco” operating in the Romenville district of Paris.

Until October 31 At the Venice Art Biennale, you can see the Lithuanian national pavilion produced by LNDM, which presents the general Pakui Hardware, a duo of contemporary art creators Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda, and artist Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė (1933–2007).

The international audience of visitors to the biennale is shown an exhibition that unites the experience of these creators, and the visuals talk about the fever that is shaking humanity and the world. With the theme of ignition, “Pakui Hardware” helped to establish a dialogue with MTRožanskaitė’s work, which examined the connections between bodies and medicine already in the 1980s.

The exhibition tells about the fever of (post)human bodies in the current economic and social conditions. In MTRožanskaitė’s canvases and Pakui Hardware’s installation, the themes of medicine and patients, natural, cosmic and industrial landscapes unfold. The exhibition was already visited by 76 thousand people during the summer.

The works of the artist duo “Pakui Hardware” can currently be seen in Lithuania: LNDM Radvilai Palace Art Museum at the exhibition “Distant Care” (English Virtual Care) until December 1. the working exhibition opens another aspect of modern medicine – robotic surgery and remote medicine.

#Worth #exhibitions #curated #Lithuanian #National #Art #Museum #Culture
2024-09-24 14:30:20



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