Gerascophobia or fear of aging: causes and symptoms

2024-09-10 06:00:12

It is normal that we do not want to grow old and feel uncomfortable during the process. However, when the discomfort is intense and persistent, we are faced with an anxiety disorder.

Last updated: September 10, 2024

Gerascophobia is a specific type of phobia characterized by an irrational fear of growing old. In this case, the levels of anxiety experienced are so high that the person’s normal functioning is affected.

This condition should not be confused with the desire not to age and the worry that this can generate. Which can be normal in the majority.

La gérascophobie is a pathology which is part of the anxiety disorders. Thus, people who suffer from it experience an excessive and persistent fear of the changes they undergo over time.

Some of the changes that cause fear of aging include loss of physical and mental abilities, dependence on others, changes in appearance, deterioration of health, and loneliness. However, most of them are prejudices and social stereotypes around old age.

Causes of Gerascophobia

La gérascophobie usually appears when signs of aging begin to show. Usually in their thirties. These signs tend to be the first wrinkles, gray hair, lack of physical agility or flaccidity of the body. In these circumstances, the person feels intense fear.

The causes of this condition are diverse. Generally speaking, it depends on external factors (such as beliefs and experiences) and internal factors (personality). That said, the most common ones are:

Influence of the media and the aesthetic industry. Through advertising campaigns, they establish an ideal of beauty and happiness based on youth. Likewise, they create negative stereotypes around old age, associating it with deterioration, loneliness, illness and sadness. Fear of being alone.Narcissistic Personality Traits.Association of old age with death and illness.Experience of a traumatic event in the past which causes the person to associate old age with an unpleasant experience. Negative social beliefs or stereotypes about old age, which are assumed to be true.Feeling of having lost the most productive years of life without having achieved anything.

What kind of people are more likely to suffer from gerascophobia?

Some people are more likely to suffer from gerascophobia. The most vulnerable are those who meet the following characteristics:

Persons who, because of their profession or other circumstances, have been heavily involved in the perpetuation of youth or care of their physical appearance. For example, models and actors.Those exposed to social criticism and the judgment of others. Like influencers or celebrities.People who have been in contact with elderly people and who have witnessed the most negative or vulnerable aspects of old age.Those who have certain personality traitssuch as insecurity, low self-esteem or narcissism.

How does the fear of aging manifest itself?

Being a specific phobia, The distinctive clinical manifestation is the feeling of intense anxiety facing the situation. Which can be evidenced by the following symptoms:

Excessive sweatingTachycardia.Nausea.Dizziness.Shaking.Chest painTingling or numbness.Difficulty breathing.Dry mouth.

Additionally, people who are afraid of aging exhibit some of the following psychological signs:

Negative and recurring thoughts about the future or aging. Helplessness at not being able to prevent aging.Insecurity and sadness due to physical changes in his bodywhich is no longer perceived as attractive. Intense fear of feeling fragile, vulnerable, sick, useless.Interpersonal problems. It is common for them to compare themselves to younger people and feel envy. Sometimes, they tend to adopt obsessive dynamics to hide the signs of maturity. Thus, they invest a lot of time and money to appear younger and younger.

Tips for Coping with Fear of Aging or Gerascophobia

If you suffer from gerascophobia or know someone who does, here is a list of tips that can help you overcome it.

Accept that this time will come

The more resistance you have towards this stage of life, the more discomfort there will be within you.. We must therefore accept that the life cycle consists of childhood, youth, adulthood and old age.

We are all meant to go through them. None are better than another. Everyone has their good and bad sides. Remember that life is one and you can enjoy every moment.

Identify negative thoughts and change them

Every time you have a negative thought about getting old, stop and try to change it. For example, if you think “When I am old, I will not be healthy”change it to Health and well-being do not depend only on age, but on good habits and lifestyles”.

Unfortunately, there are many negative stereotypes surrounding old age.which we see as imminent truths. Aging does not mean being alone, sick, or bitter. If you begin to identify and reformulate all of these beliefs you had about aging, this process will no longer be terrifying.

Keep in mind that change is gradual

No one wakes up overnight and becomes older. Age changes are gradual. Live with them and accept them as part of life. This makes the adaptation process easier.

Focus on the present

Constantly thinking about the future makes life pass by without us realizing it. Therefore, when we look back in perspective, we repent of it.

Live in the present, appreciate and love what you have. We know that this is not always an easy task. To do this, we recommend that you apply mindfulness-based techniques.

Taking care of ourselves physically and mentally

So that you can enjoy a healthy and happy old age, remember that good habits and healthy lifestyles are what largely determine future well-being. So start eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep..

Go to a professional

Most people who suffer from a specific phobia need professional help to overcome this pathology. If you have tried to fight it on your own and have not seen results, the ideal is that you go to a specialist.

Currently, there are a number of effective psychological treatments which help treat anxiety disorders.

Gerascophobia can be treated

Accepting old age as an unavoidable stage of life and changing negative beliefs around it are fundamental pillars to combat the fear of old age.

However, Sometimes there are much more complex predisposing factors that require professional help. for the condition to be overcome. Consult a psychologist if you think that gerascophobia is changing your behaviors.

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