Neither provincial nor federal support for fundraising to help Cordoba firefighters

2024-09-24 12:53:35

in the middle Firefighting in Cordoba Nearly a week has passed since the first outbreak in northern Punila, and the fires have given no respite to firefighters working in most of the province’s barracks. Capilla del Monte, Chancaní, La Granja and Villa Berna.

Their tired faces, long periods without sleep, and even attacks from neighbors who are angry and do not understand the work they have to do, prompt the citizens of Córdoba to try to help them in one way or another.

The fire in Cordoba continues minute by minute

Against this background, various so-called fundraising messages have appeared on social networks. These messages are intended to donate money to people fighting fires, and have gone viral in recent days.

Pictures circulating on social networks show people using pseudonyms to raise funds for firefighters, and officials advise against adding cash.

Both the province’s federation of volunteer firefighters and the Córdoba government deny carrying out such operations related to cash donations.

Here is the official statement from the federal firefighter entity:

The Dear Board of Directors of the Cordoba Volunteer Firefighters Association informs the community:

• We do not collect on a joint basis.

• Any information relating to current accounts is inaccurate and should be disregarded.

• To donate, we ask that you come directly to each military camp.

Statement from the Federation of Volunteer Firefighters regarding fundraising.

At the same time, the Cordoba government reiterated sound The military camps that rely on the province do not need any kind of monetary aid or solidarity raising because, as Martin Larriola said, “they have everything they need.”

As reflected in the federation’s official statement, if anyone supports and is interested in helping firefighters, they must make some form of donation in person at the barracks.

But at least from official channels, Absolutely refuse to engage in collection activities Use CBU To the troops putting out the flames

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