Fan put into artificial coma after Vienna derby: Police investigate

On Monday, the Vienna police confirmed that they were investigating a case posted by a user of the “Austrian Soccer Board,” according to which his father had to be put into an artificial coma after a physical attack at a bus stop.

The user and the injured person are apparently Rapid fans. The incident is said to have occurred at around 9 p.m. on Sunday at a station on the S45.

The Vienna police confirmed the incident on X as “on record and investigations are ongoing”. The authorities clarified to “Heute” that they were investigating for “intentional serious bodily harm”. The suspected perpetrator has been arrested.

In addition to the man who was beaten into a coma, at least 26 other people were injured after the derby on Sunday evening in Vienna-Hütteldorf, including emergency services. The two fan groups had thrown pyrotechnic objects at each other. 577 reports have already been filed.



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