Ministry of Finance: At 10.9 billion euros the revenue from tourism in the seven months January – July 2024

In more detail, according to the Bank of Greece, travel traffic through airports increased by 12.0% and that through road border stations by 9.9%. During the reviewed period, travel traffic from the EU-27 countries amounted to 10,816.5 million. travelers, showing an increase of 11.3% compared to the corresponding period of 2023, while travel traffic from other countries increased by 11.1% to 7,66.2 million travelers. Travel traffic from euro area countries increased by 13.6%, as did travel traffic from non-euro area EU-27 countries by 6.8%.

In particular, travel traffic from Germany increased by 13.2% and reached 2.6 million travelers, as well as that from France, which increased by 5.2% and reached 1.06 million. travelers. Travel traffic from Italy also rose by 13.8%, reaching 990.7 thousand travelers. In relation to other countries, travel traffic from the United Kingdom increased by 8.1% to 2.26 million travelers, as did that from the USA, which increased by 6.9% to 788.6 thousand travelers . Inbound travel traffic does not include figures from cruises, beyond those recorded by the Border Survey.

Travel receipts recorded an increase of 5.6% compared to the corresponding period of 2023 and amounted to 10.9 billion. . euro. This development is due to the increase in receipts from residents of the EU-27 countries by 7.6%, which amounted to 6.029 billion euros, as well as the increase in receipts from residents of other countries by 1.5% in 4, 5 billion. euro. In more detail, receipts from residents of the euro area countries amounted to €4,725.4 billion, up by 4.0%, as well as receipts from residents of the EU-27 countries outside the euro area, which increased by 23.2% and amounted to 1,303.8 million euros.

In particular, receipts from Germany increased by 1.4% to 1,763.2 billion euros, while those from France decreased by 13.8% to 675.3 million euros. Receipts from Italy increased by 20.7%, reaching 605.3 million euros. From other countries, receipts from the United Kingdom rose by 11.3% to €1,728.7 billion, while receipts from the USA fell by 3.0% to €759.6 million. Finally, receipts from Russia fell by 65.2% and amounted to 8.3 million euros.

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