The six teenagers accused of the attack on a 16-year-old and a 14-year-old girl are free

The six teenagers who were reported as the perpetrators of the attack against a 16-year-old and his 14-year-old girlfriend, on the evening of last Sunday 22/9 in Polichni, Thessaloniki, were released by order of the prosecutor.

The first instance prosecutor ordered the Police to carry out a preliminary examination with the investigated crime of dangerous bodily harm, serially and by complicity. As part of the investigation, he requested that the medical documents from the hospitals that treated the victims be presented in order to decide on the further criminal treatment of the alleged perpetrators based on the medical findings.

Earlier, as it became known, the 16-year-old who was hit on the head with a metal pipe was discharged from the AHEPA hospital in Thessaloniki. Unlike the boy, his 14-year-old girlfriend did not have to be hospitalized and after providing first aid at “G. Gennimatas” returned to her home.

Information that behind the attack seems to be hidden reasons of romantic jealousy

According to police sources, behind the attack it seems that there are reasons for romantic jealousy. Information states that the 14-year-old girl testified to the police that before the attack she had uploaded a photo with the 16-year-old boy on social media. She allegedly then received a phone call from one of the arrested and tension ensued between them. The beating of the two minors by the group of six seems to have taken place near the girl’s house.

According to the same information, there were other teenagers present in the same episode and as part of the preliminary investigation they will be asked to testify what they saw and possibly if other people, apart from the six, were involved.

According to an announcement by EL.AS., the alleged perpetrators (14 and 15 years old) approached the two minors and one of them attacked the boy with a metal pipe, while the other minors physically assaulted the girl. The pipe was found at the scene and confiscated, while a folding knife was found in the possession of one of the arrested.

Source: RES

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