The CCP’s red political propaganda film tanked at the box office and received rave reviews | Red propaganda film | Give your life to the Party

[The Epoch Times, September 24, 2024](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Li Yun) The red political propaganda film “Leave Your Life to the Party” launched by the Chinese Communist Party on August 1st, in line with the Chinese Communist Party’s political propaganda, deliberately created the so-called “Great Guangzheng” of the Communist Party of China. image. Since its release, it has received poor reviews at the box office and negative reviews.

According to Maoyan box office data, the approximately 90-minute CCP red movie “My Life to the Party” has a box office of only 960,000 yuan (RMB, the same below) in the first week since its release on August 1. It wasn’t until the 8th day that it exceeded 1 million yuan. As of September 22, the box office was only 2.75 million yuan, ranking 127th at the box office, which can be described as very bleak.

In this regard, many netizens discussed this on the X platform:

“This may reflect that most Chinese people have clearly understood what the country is and what the party is.”

“The money given to us for publicity was probably too low, and we didn’t do the work of communicating with the Central Organization Headquarters, so there were no party members to support us.”

“Where is the upset? It should actually be like this. In the past, some films like this were funded by party members to increase the box office. Now there is no funding, which reflects the real box office.”

“This kind of movie is basically a financial burden. I forgot about the movie a few years ago. At that time, it was allocated to the community. There were about three or four places in each village, and people were allowed to sign up. There was no one for a long time, and finally they were forced to be allocated to party members to watch.”

“From the name, to the content, to the production, to the performances, this film has no professional level at all. It is completely bad. In fact, there are still many films of this level produced every year. The producers also understand what is going on and will This type of film is called a “one-day trip to the theater.”

“The box office of 2.75 million yuan is already extremely high. I didn’t expect that there would be so many pink idiots watching this kind of bad movie.”

“Believe in the Communist Party and walk into the crematorium! Anyone with any brains knows that giving your life to the Party is equivalent to killing yourself. Don’t the pinks even have this understanding?”

(webpage screenshot)

Many netizens also alluded to the evil of organ harvesting by the CCP and ridiculed:

“The organs throughout life are given to the Party. Life is the Party’s organs, and death is the Party’s plastinated human body specimen.”

“Why do you emphasize surrendering your life to the Party? Haven’t Party members already surrendered their lives to the Party? Do they still need to recycle human tissue after death?”

According to public information, the Chinese Communist Party’s red film “Leave Your Life to the Party” is based on the Kuomintang’s “party purge” launched against latent CCP members in Shanghai on April 12, 1927. It depicts the murder of a large number of Communists by the Kuomintang at that time and the struggle between the Communist Party and the Kuomintang. story.

Analyzing the reason for the film’s poor box office performance, a Chinese film critic said that red-themed films are “tools for propaganda and education tasks” rather than pure works of art. As a result, many such films have stereotyped and preachy content and lack of innovation in form, which has led to the audience’s inconvenience. The “aesthetic fatigue” of such movies led to box office failure.

In fact, as early as 2004, The Epoch Times published “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party“The book comprehensively and profoundly exposes the evil nature of the CCP and exposes its crimes in broad daylight. It has awakened many Chinese people who have been severely brainwashed and deceived.

The book reveals that the Communist Party uses violence and terror to seize and maintain power; it uses lies as a lubricant for violence; it constantly changes its position; it replaces and eliminates human nature with party spirit; the Communist Party is “anti-nature, anti-nature, anti-earth, and anti-human. The evil beings of the universe.”

From a historical perspective, “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” can be called an immortal masterpiece that benefits the times. (Provided by The Epoch Times)

The book also provides a final conclusion to the international communist movement of more than a century, especially the Chinese Communist Party. The communist movement slaughtered tens of millions of lives around the world, deprived hundreds of millions of people of their personal property and spiritual freedom, denied people’s correct faith in God, and caused mankind to pay a heavy price.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the failure of the Comintern movement, the Communist Party of China survived as an anomaly. It destroyed traditional culture and implemented tyranny in China, resulting in the abnormal deaths of 60 million to 80 million Chinese people. The CCP also persecutes the Falun Gong religious group, which practices “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance,” and covers it up with lies.

Nine CommentariesSince the publication of “Three Withdrawals“The tide, till now”Three Withdrawals“The number of people has exceeded 436 million.

Editor in charge: Sun Yun#



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