My brother was abducted and disappeared 73 years ago! He passed away 2 months after being reunited with “online DNA testing” – Mirror Media

2024.09.23 20:27 Taipei time


A pair of brothers in the United States have been separated for more than 70 years. Unexpectedly, the younger brother who was kidnapped is still alive, and the two reunite again. (Photo taken from @CoffindafferFBI X)A pair of brothers in the United States have been separated for more than 70 years. Unexpectedly, the younger brother who was kidnapped is still alive, and the two reunite again. (Photo taken from @CoffindafferFBI X)

The real lives of many people are truly more exciting and bizarre than novels and movies! An American man was kidnapped while playing in a park in California in 1951 and has been missing for decades. However, he was actually raised by a couple after he was taken to the East Coast until June this year. He miraculously recognized his original family after 73 years, and 2 months after he reunited with his brother, his brother passed away.

According to the Guardian, Luis Armando Albino, a man born in Puerto Rico, met his older brother Roger in a park in West Oakland, California, on February 21, 1951, when he was 6 years old. (Roger Albino) was kidnapped while playing with him. A Spanish-speaking woman claimed that he would give him candy, abducted him, and took him to the East Coast to a couple, who later thought that Luis was Raised by his own son.

For the next 70 years, Louis’ original family has been missing, but relatives always hang his photos in their homes. According to Louis’ 63-year-old niece Alida (Alida Alequin), Louis’ mother Until his death in 2005, he never gave up hope that Louis was still alive.

After being kidnapped, Louis has grown up on the East Coast. Not only has he become a father, he is also a grandfather. He once served as a firefighter and was a Marine Corps veteran who participated in the Vietnam War.

Elida first had the idea that her uncle might still be alive in 2020. At that time, she did an online DNA test just for fun. Unexpectedly, she found a person who had a 22% match with her DNA. Although she tried to go further at the time, Searched, but didn’t find any useful information.

It wasn’t until early 2024 that Alida and her daughters started looking for people again, and after accidentally seeing a photo of Louis and Roger in the old newspaper historical materials at the Oakland Public Library, Alida was convinced that she was on the right track. , then went to the Oakland police for help, and the police agreed to restart the investigation. During this period, Roger testified many times that a woman wearing a headscarf took his brother away.

Afterwards, after a large-scale search by the police, soldiers, and government employees in multiple cities, Louis was finally found on the East Coast, and he was the person who was found to be a genetic match to Alida. Subsequently, Louis and Alida Both mothers provided DNA samples, confirming that the two were biological siblings, and the family officially recognized each other in June this year.

On June 20 this year, the police went to Elida’s mother’s home and told her and her mother that they had found her uncle. Upon hearing this, she and her mother shed tears. On June 24, with the assistance of the FBI, Louis and his current family went to Oakland to meet with Alida and other relatives. The next day, Alida drove her mother and Louis to Roger’s home.

After Roger and Louis recognized each other, the two hugged each other tightly for a long time and talked about the memories of the day of the kidnapping, their military careers, etc. Then Louis briefly returned to the East Coast, and then went to Oke again in July. Lan stayed for about 3 weeks, and then Roger passed away in August. That was the last time Louis saw Roger in July.

Regarding this magical journey of recognizing her relatives, Alida said that she had always been determined to find her uncle. She also wanted to use her story to encourage families who may have similar experiences, hoping that they would not give up. However, Alida said that her uncle Louis has not wanted to be interviewed so far.

Update time |2024.09.23 20:27 Taipei time

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