“The best security is reinforcement” 2024-09-24 07:50:20

In his speech, he mentioned, among other things, the strengthening of industry in the context of a new production model and emphasized that this constitutes the best security for our country. He was accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Development responsible for Industry, Anna-Mani Papadimitriou and the Secretary General of Private Investments, Stellina Siarapi.

The speech of the Minister of Development in detail:

“Ladies and gentlemen,

From the first moment that the Prime Minister entrusted me with the responsible duties of the Minister of Development, I thoroughly referred to the necessity of decisively strengthening the modern Greek industry in the economic development.

I consider the formation of a new productive model to be a national necessity, which emphasizes the expansion of the role of industry, innovation and extroversion. A productive model that is our own answer to the growing competition and challenges, as well as our own positive proposal for dealing with the acute demographic problem of our country and the desertification of its areas.

We must invest in industry and innovation by urgently regulating the energy market. It is a condition and condition – capable and necessary – for security and prosperity. The best security for Greece is the strengthening of Greek industry.

As the former governor of the European Central Bank and former prime minister of Italy, Mario Draghi, said, Europe needs 800 billion euros of investment annually. Immediately. We must all invest in the way of life, principles and values ​​of our culture. For a better tomorrow: with democracy, freedom and prosperity.

For this purpose, we have started a substantial dialogue, with all productive bodies and representatives of Greek society, and on October 21st we will present our basic proposal for the goals, policies and means of the new productive model. So that very soon – and incorporating the proposals of healthy entrepreneurship and society – we can proceed with legislation, but also with the implementation of the necessary measures and policies.

We want the industry to become a bridge for young people to return to our homeland, for our young people to stay in their place, thus facing the demographic threat.

We want investments that increase the productivity and competitiveness of the Greek economy, thus solving – to a degree at least – the problem of the trade balance.

We want investments that will contribute to increasing employment and living standards, to the green and digital transition, for sustainable and balanced development.

So that we can achieve the double convergence that the Prime Minister talked about: with the average of the European Union and the reduction of regional and social inequalities within our country.

And at the same time we support the industry with actions:

In the next two months, the Ministry of Development is going to approve and finance with 170 million euros, with TAA resources, emblematic private investments in the industry sector, which will create hundreds of new jobs and strengthen our country’s path towards achieving of the objectives of the green transition, with an implementation horizon of the end of 2025.

With the “Smart Manufacturing” program, we are supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with more than 102 million euros to implement investments aimed at, among other things, the digitization of production lines, the use of robotics, automation and the application of artificial intelligence technologies intelligence. 507 investment projects have been submitted.

We are modernizing and creating new industrial parks, with a total budget of 90.4 million euros. I would like to single out that of Sindos, which is the largest industrial park in the Balkans, with budget projects of over 15 million Euros, as well as the implementation of the famous “ThessINTEC”, a 4th Generation Technology Park in Thessaloniki, with funding of 33 million Euros from the Recovery Fund from the relevant program of the Ministry of Development.

I couldn’t help but make a special mention of Thessaloniki. The capital of our Macedonia is being upgraded more and more, great projects are being done with the cooperation of the Government with the Regional Self-Government where Mr. Tzitzikostas served for many four years, to whom I want to wish every success in his new duties at the Commission. Also, in collaboration with the Municipality of Thessaloniki, important measures are implemented that completely upgrade the image of the city. We are only a few weeks away from the metro becoming a reality for the daily life of the people of Thessaloniki, which they will enjoy. While the great Fly Over project is already underway, which will change the course of the city’s traffic possibilities.

And it goes on and on. The new production model is based on a combination of incentives that include subsidies, financial instruments and significant tax breaks. We will announce more with the Prime Minister at a special event on October 21.

Together we can. State, healthy entrepreneurship and active citizens we can win this bet too.

Thank you”.

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#security #reinforcement



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