ICT service “CoDMON” for childcare and education facilities introduced to 20 elementary and junior high schools in Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture

Gamagori City x Kodomon main visual

Codomon Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yoshinori Koike) is pleased to announce that it will introduce its ICT service for childcare and educational facilities, “CoDMON” (hereinafter “Codomon”), to 20 elementary and junior high schools in Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture, from October 2024. Gamagori City has also introduced Codomon to 15 childcare centers in October 2021, 18 after-school clubs in October 2023, and one developmental support center in June 2024.

According to Gamagori City, the introduction of Kodomon will enable reliable and prompt information transmission to parents and a paperless system, as well as reduce the burden on both parents and schools, thereby aiming to provide high-quality services.

Kodomon introduction function in Gamagori City (planned)

●Notification of lateness or absence

Parents can use the app to notify the facility of lateness or absence during the admission period. Parents can instantly report to the facility without worrying about time, and the facility can receive the information in real time on a tablet or other device without having to answer the phone. This is a highly convenient feature for both parents and facilities.

● Simultaneous notification distribution

To contact parents, you can simply select a class or child, select from the pre-registered templates, and write the message. In addition to email, you can also send information via smartphone notifications or within the app.

Surveys such as pre-interviews regarding attendance confirmation can be sent to the parent app. You can set the recipients by class and year, and you can also freely schedule the delivery date and time.

Facility documents (class newsletters, application forms, etc.) can be published on the parent app by category setting or class. Parents can narrow down the documents they need by keyword search on the app, making it easy to search even if the documents increase in number.

◇ Using SaaS for improvement

The Digital Agency was launched on September 1, 2021 as a ministry to unify and advance the digitalization of government administration, which has lagged behind other countries until now. The importance of promoting ICT is no exception in childcare and schools. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has been holding a “Study Group on Improving the Attractiveness of Childcare Sites and Occupations” since February 2020 to consider ways to improve the attractiveness of the occupation of “childcare worker” and childcare centers as places of work and how to promote this. The report released on September 30, 2020 (※1) also clearly states that the use of ICT is essential. In addition, on October 20, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology issued a notice (※2) to review parent seals at schools and to promote the digitalization of communication.

Childcare ICT comes in many different forms, and among them, cloud services such as SaaS (※3) are being considered for widespread use as a priority in government information systems, and are said to offer the following benefits:

Improved efficiency: A variety of basic functions are provided in advance, which shortens the implementation time. Furthermore, because resources are shared among many users, the cost burden per user is reduced, making it possible to implement the system at a relatively low cost.
– Improved response to technological innovation: New functions are added all the time, making it easy to utilize and test the latest technologies.
●Improved flexibility: It is easy to add or change resources, and it is relatively easy to review operations. This means that existing functions can be improved at any time based on user feedback.

Furthermore, when selecting from among several services, a sufficient track record is cited as a key point. This is because a service with a sufficient operational track record is easier to use in the field, and active and continuous investment is made in adding new functions, making the risk of the service being terminated low (※4). These are important points not only for government information systems, but also for selecting ICT services for childcare and educational facilities. The benefits of SaaS are also mentioned in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “SLA Guidelines for SaaS.” In addition to SaaS, there are other forms of customizing packaged products to suit the company’s business and specifications, building and owning a system, but these not only take a long time to implement, but are also built on the assumption that the scale of the target business will expand, so there is a tendency for excessive investment in line equipment and infrastructure. However, SaaS is easy to implement and can be used even if there are no IT experts in the company (※5).

*1 Report on Improving the Attractiveness of Childcare Workplaces and Professions, p. 19 ② Promoting operational efficiency and improvements through the use of ICT, etc.
*2 Notification regarding the review of the seal required by schools from parents, etc. and the promotion of digitalization of communication methods between schools and parents, etc.
*3 SaaS is a system that provides application software functions to customers as needed via a network.
*4 Basic Policy on the Use of Cloud Services in Government Information Systems, p. 5 “Column: Select only the right cloud services”
*5 SLA Guidelines for SaaS, January 21, 2008

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Kodomon Co., Ltd. Company Profile

◆Address: 3F Mita 43MT Building, 3-13-16 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo
◆Capital: 68,250,000 yen
◆Representative: Representative Director Koike Yoshinori
◆Business content: We are engaged in businesses that aim to improve the environment surrounding children, and we embody the creation of an organization that is easy for employees to work in. We contribute to society by improving the environment in a multifaceted way to change society into one that is friendly to raising children.

Services provided by Kodomon Co., Ltd.

This SaaS provides various support tools to teachers and parents working at childcare and educational facilities to give them time and peace of mind to spend with children. It supports the creation of an environment that improves the quality of childcare while significantly reducing the workload of teachers, including functions to smartly record growth records and lesson plans linked to childcare information, attendance management, and communication functions with parents. It also provides solutions that can integrate and manage the ICT/IoT environment within the facility, such as API integration with IoT devices such as baby sensors. The service continuation rate for fiscal year 2023 is 99.8%. As of July 2024, it is used by approximately 19,000 facilities and approximately 380,000 employees nationwide. It has been contracted with approximately 550 municipalities nationwide, and has the largest share in the number of facilities that have been introduced, the number of facilities that have been introduced by municipalities, and the number of municipalities that have contracts* (according to Tokyo Shoko Research Co., Ltd. as of January 2024).

An online training service that contributes to improving the qualifications and expertise of childcare workers working in the field. We provide learning opportunities through live training tailored to the season and training videos that can be viewed at any time. Training is provided by experts and knowledgeable people, and in a short amount of time you can deepen your knowledge that can be used in the field. All childcare workers can participate free of charge, regardless of whether they use ICT Codomon or not.

This is a child recruitment and hiring support service that connects parents and job seekers looking for childcare with childcare and educational facilities.
By creating and promoting a dedicated website that conveys the appeal of the facility, local parents, job seekers, and childcare students can find a facility that is more suitable for them. More than 2,200 facilities are using this service in preparation for the shortage of childcare workers and lower capacity due to the declining birthrate.

“Teachers” support the upbringing and learning of children who will carry the future. We want to create a society where teachers who do socially meaningful work are more highly evaluated and supported. This was the idea behind the launch of this program. We will gradually provide programs nationwide to improve the working conditions of childcare workers, teachers, and other staff at childcare facilities by giving them various preferential treatment throughout society.

This is an EC store that sells hygiene products, toys, play equipment, and facility supplies that are essential for facility operations. We carefully select safe and durable products, taking into consideration the usage environment of children’s facilities. We also provide users with information about the buyers’ selection background and the creators’ thoughts. All childcare facilities can use this service, regardless of whether they use ICT Kodomon or not.

<<Inquiries, Questions, etc.>>

Kodomon Co., Ltd.
public relations
TEL: 03-6633-2802
FAX: 050-3737-7471

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