La Casa de los Famosos Mexico finalists exchange words during a debate? This is what they said | Celebrity Shows

La Casa de los Famosos Mexico finalists exchange words during a debate? This is what they said | Celebrity Shows

The finalists of The House of the Famous Mexico are Arath, Briggitte, Gala, Mario, and Karime, the five members of the fourth Mar. Just hours after their advancement to the grand final was officially announced, The Boss surprised them with a debate.

“The debate will take place today, so I need you to come prepared, and I will provide you with a preview of the topics to be discussed later, allowing you to jot down any necessary notes,” he stated hours before the gala on September 23.

The Boss asked the finalists to ready their arguments for the debate. Later, during the El 5 gala, Diego de Erice revealed how the Great Debate of the finalists would unfold.

“The Great Debate of the finalists… The Boss will introduce various categories, and the finalists will have to defend their positions and provide their arguments in a very short time,” he explained.

Finalists engage in debate, and here’s what they said

After the rules were explained, the finalists engaged in a heated debate, discussing the principles and values they adhered to, the initiatives they proposed during the reality show, and the tasks they performed in the house. They revealed whether they believed they relied on luck or skill within La Casa de los Famosos México and concluded the debate by stating their reasons for deserving to win the grand prize.

The first topic for discussion was “I played with these principles and values.” Briggitte Bozzo was the first to respond, expressing that she played with love, respect, and tolerance, noting that she learned to practice a bit more patience. “I was in a space where I never felt I belonged because the values did not match mine,” said the actress, emphasizing that the Mar room became her family, and they shared nothing but love.

Mario Bezares answered the same question, stating that he played with friendship, cordiality, loyalty, but above all, respect and chivalry. “I was always honest; I never abused or offended anyone, and my behavior was very proper,” said the comedian.

Gala Montes followed suit, declaring that she played with love, tolerance, empathy, generosity, but above all, she was “faithful” to her principles.

Karime explained that she promised not to hurt anyone and “to play fair.” “I aimed not to make anyone feel bad, to allow myself to get to know everyone without judgment, to let them meet a more human side of me,” she described.

Arath was the last to address the topic, saying: “I had the courage to confront many situations when my integrity was challenged; I remained loyal to my teammates, and I played fairly.”

The Boss then introduced the second topic: “I proposed initiatives, participation, and fun.”

Image TelevisaUnivision

This was the debate of the finalists of La Casa de los Famosos Mexico

Mario emphasized that his proposals were always centered around playing and having fun; he insisted that he always sought healthy enjoyment with his peers.

Gala Montes shared that she let herself go but also “learned new things, stepping out of her comfort zone.” She stated that the house allowed her to relive aspects of her childhood.

Next was Karime, who highlighted that proposing initiatives and having fun “is her specialty”; she claimed she became Mar’s producer as a sign of gratitude to the audience.

Arath de la Torre stated that his initiative was to bring out the best in others through games and to participate in house challenges without harming anyone. “Fun was my tool that allowed me to survive in the house,” he noted.

Briggitte Bozzo concluded that she proposed initiatives always guided by love.

The third round was about “My contribution to household chores.” Gala was the first to respond, stating that she didn’t find much inspiration for that question, but she always helped by sweeping and doing other tasks to keep herself busy.

Karime shared that initially, she tried to avoid contributing to tasks; however, later she became a vital part of the kitchen, washing dishes with Mariana Echeverría and assisting Mario Bezares with cooking.

Arath de la Torre emphasized that he “always aimed to contribute something,” washing dishes, clothes, and helping out with everything within La Casa de los Famosos México, even “when he was not asked.”

Briggitte Bozzo remarked that “it was a roller coaster because initially, he did his chores,” but then he rebelled and did contribute to the household.

Mario Bezares indicated that his contributions changed when he got the chance to cook because he “realized they enjoyed what he prepared”; additionally, he swept and cleaned and has always “enjoyed serving and caring for others.”

Video The DEBATE for the FINAL of La Casa de los Famosos Mexico begins

The finalists of La Casa opened the debate for the final, where they will be able to persuade people to vote for them.

The fourth point of the debate was: “I was lucky, capable, or skilled.”

Karime expressed that she was lucky, capable, and skilled, attributing her abilities to her mother’s encouragement.

Arath de la Torre explained he possessed all three attributes. “I am a competitive person, and although I may not be highly skilled, I managed to catch the hare and put it on the plate,” he said.

Briggitte Bozzo claimed that thanks to God, she was fortunate to possess “luck, ability, and skill,” which she utilized with the support of Mar.

Mario Bezares stated that he was not particularly lucky since he finished second. He noted that due to his age, he did not have the best abilities, but he “put in immense effort into everything.”

Gala Montes mentioned that she felt lucky to be part of the project and to have been “in good hands.” She also indicated that she had the ability to defend herself during difficult challenges.

However, the final question was, “I should receive recognition because.”

Arath de la Torre asserted that he deserved recognition because the team was united, due to its consistency and fair play. “I achieved my goals with my team,” he noted.

Briggitte suggested that the winner should be “the one the public decides,” but she expressed her desire to win due to the courage she has shown, along with her love and inner child.

Mario Bezares emphasized that he merits recognition because he connected well with all the housemates, making his team feel comfortable, especially as he shared his experiences.

Gala Montes stated she wants to win because she intends to donate a percentage to a foundation that combats breast cancer. “I would like to give back a little of what they help,” she expressed.

Karime mentioned she hopes to win because she has given her all, never backed down, motivated her team, and had fun, but above all, she has become a better person.

Follow every aspect of The House of the Famous Mexico on ViX’s 9 live channels 24/7, featuring 2 channels for all live situations in the house, 5 channels to follow every step of the celebrities in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms, 1 channel for all the live Pregala, Galas, and Postgalas, and 1 channel to view everything happening simultaneously across all channels in the house.

Los Finalistas de The House of the Famous Mexico

Los finalistas de The House of the Famous Mexico son Arath, Briggitte, Gala, Mario y Karime, los cinco miembros de la cuarta Mar. Horas después de que su paso a la gran final se hizo oficial, El Jefe los sorprendió con un debate.

El Gran Debate: Preparativos y Temáticas

El Jefe les pidió a los finalistas que prepararan sus argumentos para el debate. Horas después, durante la gala de El 5, Diego de Erice reveló cómo se llevaría a cabo el Gran Debate de los finalistas.

“El Gran Debate de los finalistas… El Jefe propondrá diferentes categorías y los finalistas tendrán que defender su posición y dar sus argumentos en un tiempo muy corto”, explicó.

Finalistas en Palabras: Intenso Debate

Después de que se revelaron las dinámicas, los finalistas tuvieron un intenso debate, donde hablaron sobre los principios y valores con los que jugaron, las iniciativas que propusieron en el reality show, y las tareas que realizaron dentro de la casa. Además, compartieron si creían tener más suerte o habilidad en La Casa de los Famosos México y concluyeron con argumentos sobre por qué deberían ganar el gran premio.

Principios y Valores

El primer tema a discutir fue: “Jugué con estos principios y valores”. Briggitte Bozzo fue la primera en responder, mencionando que jugó con amor, respeto y tolerancia, subrayando que aprendió a tener más paciencia.

  • Briggitte Bozzo: Amor, respeto, tolerancia.
  • Mario Bezares: Amistad, cordialidad, lealtad, respeto y caballerosidad.
  • Gala Montes: Amor, tolerancia, empatía, generosidad y fidelidad a sus principios.
  • Karime: Jugó justo, sin hacer daño a nadie y permitiendo que la gente la conociera.
  • Arath de la Torre: Lealtad a su equipo y enfrentó situaciones difíciles con coraje.

Iniciativas y Diversión

El segundo punto a debatir fue: “Propuse iniciativas, participación y diversión”. Cada finalista expuso su perspectiva:

  • Mario Bezares: Siempre buscó diversión sana con sus compañeros.
  • Gala Montes: Aprendió a salir de su zona de confort y revivió aspectos de su infancia.
  • Karime: Se convirtió en la “productora” de Mar, aportando iniciativas.
  • Arath: Su objetivo fue sacar lo mejor de los demás y participar sin herir a nadie.
  • Briggitte Bozzo: Sus iniciativas estaban siempre regidas por el amor.

Contribuciones a las Tareas del Hogar

La tercera ronda se centró en “Mi contribución a las tareas del hogar”. Los finalistas compartieron sus experiencias:

  • Gala: A pesar de no estar inspirada, ayudó siempre con tareas menores.
  • Karime: Inicialmente no contribuyó, pero luego se volvió esencial en la cocina.
  • Arath: Se esforzó por ayudar con todo, desde lavar platos hasta ropa.
  • Briggitte: Sus contribuciones variaron a lo largo del tiempo, empezando a colaborar más.
  • Mario: Cocinó y se dio cuenta de que a los demás les encantaba lo que hacía.

Suertes, Capacidades y Habilidades

El cuarto punto del debate implicó discutir “Fui afortunado, capaz o hábil”. Cada uno expuso sus perspectivas sobre su desempeño en el programa:

  • Karime: Se sintió afortunada y capaz, destacando habilidades adquiridas desde niña.
  • Arath: Consideró que tenía una combinación de suerte, habilidad y capacidad.
  • Briggitte: Subrayó la suerte que tuvo al contar con ‘Mar’ para desarrollar sus habilidades.
  • Mario: A pesar de su edad, puso esfuerzo en cada actividad.
  • Gala: Se sintió afortunada al ser parte del proyecto y haber caído “en buenas manos”.

Reconocimiento y Por Qué Ganar

Finalmente, la última pregunta fue “Debería recibir el reconocimiento porque…”. Así argumentaron los finalistas:

  • Arath: Por la unidad y consistencia del equipo.
  • Briggitte: El ganador debería ser el que el público decida; ella mostró valentía y amor.
  • Mario: Compartió su experiencia y se mostró compatible con todos.
  • Gala: Desea donar un porcentaje a una fundación que combate el cáncer de mama.
  • Karime: Se ha entregado por completo, se ha divertido y ha crecido como persona.

Vídeo: El Debate de la Gran Final

Los finalistas abrieron el debate para convencer al público de votar por ellos.

Detalles Adicionales de La Casa de los Famosos México

Para seguir cada rincón de La Casa de los Famosos México en ViX, existe una cobertura completa que incluye:

  • 2 canales para ver situaciones en vivo.
  • 5 canales para seguir cada paso de los famosos.
  • 1 canal para ver galas en vivo.
  • 1 canal que muestra todo simultáneamente.



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