This is how you can quickly detect ‘red flags’ in your conversations

Artificial intelligence continues to astound us. While we already knew that Chat GPT could generate complex texts, theater scripts, and even songs, a recently discovered new feature has left many people baffled: the application can now detect hidden ‘red flags’ in WhatsApp conversations.

The term red flag (translated as ‘red flag’ in Spanish) warns us that an individual may bring negativity into our lives if they exhibit certain conflicting or selfish behaviors, or behaviors that could lead to misunderstandings in the future.

‘The boys in the background’, two young people running an Instagram account where they share various curiosities through videos, have provided this information on their platform, although some TikTok users had already utilized the tool to analyze potential toxicities in conversations with their partners or friends.

While these innovations are intriguing to some, others view them as “the downfall of humanity” or contributors to “extreme toxicity.”

“If you save a WhatsApp conversation, place it in a text file, and upload it to GPT Chat with a request for it to check for ‘red flags’, it will analyze the entire conversation and even inform you if the other person is toxic,” the creators say in the video. Additionally, they mention that the AI highlights specific messages for analysis and interprets them as examples of ’emotional manipulation’ or similar issues.

Mixed feelings

The post captures a range of opinions: from comments criticizing the service and suggesting that “if you require artificial intelligence to identify toxic comments, you should seek therapy,” to others who commend the initiative and express gratitude for Chat GPT’s services, claiming it is an effective tool for preventing conflicts.

Despite the validity of all perspectives, and the fact that individuals will assess the situation based on their own viewpoints and perspectives regarding this increasingly dominating virtual world, it is crucial that we remain cautious about the use and value we assign to artificial intelligence tools. These tools will never possess a judgment informed by human emotions and will be guided solely by logic and the online information they can compile into their databases.

So far, AI cannot replace human judgment and reasoning.


Security issues

While this tool may captivate many users, it is essential to be aware of the risks associated with maintaining our privacy and protecting our personal data.

There are two options for sharing our WhatsApp conversations with GPT Chat for analysis: copying and pasting messages directly into the application bar, or downloading the chats and sharing the .txt file with the OpenAI chatbot. Although the second option is generally more efficient, it carries greater risks if you prefer to keep your data secure, as everything you send is shared, rather than just the messages you select.

The new tools developed through AI elicit a range of opinions and feelings. What remains clear is that we must exercise caution when interpreting the information provided by machines, utilizing human judgment and emotional intelligence, which machines currently lack—at least for now. And you, would you allow ChatGPT to determine what is (or isn’t) best for you?

AI Detects ‘Red Flags’ in WhatsApp Conversations: A Deep Dive

Artificial intelligence never ceases to amaze us. Although we already knew that Chat GPT is capable of writing complex texts, theater scripts, and even songs, a new feature has been discovered, which has left more than one person perplexed: the application can also detect hidden ‘red flags’ in a WhatsApp conversation.

The term red flag (‘red flag’ in Spanish) alerts us that a person may be negative in our lives if they carry out certain conflicting, selfish behaviors or behaviors that may lead to misunderstandings in the future.

‘The boys in the background’, two kids who run an Instagram account where they upload videos sharing curiosities of all kinds, have shared this information through the platform. However, some TikTok users had already made use of the tool to analyze possible toxicities in conversations with their partners or friends.

Although these innovations are curious and interesting to some, others interpret them as “the downfall of humanity” or that they give rise to “extreme toxicity.”

“If you save a WhatsApp conversation, put it in a text file, and upload it to GPT Chat asking the app to check for ‘red flags’, it analyzes the entire conversation and is capable of telling you if the other person is toxic,” the boys shared in their video. Additionally, according to them, the AI marks specific messages to be analyzed and interprets them as ’emotional manipulation’ or similar.

Mixed Feelings

The publication collects opinions of all kinds: from comments criticizing the service, stating that “if you need an artificial intelligence to explain to you which comments are toxic, go to therapy,” to others praising the initiative and thanking Chat GPT for its services. Many ensure that it is an effective tool to avoid conflicts.

Although all opinions are valid, and each person will analyze the situation according to their perspective and vision in this new virtual world that is increasingly looming over us, the truth is that we must be cautious with the use and value we give to artificial intelligence tools. AI can never fully incorporate human emotions and is guided solely by logical thinking and information collected online.

So far, AI cannot replace human judgment and reasoning.

So far, AI cannot replace human judgment and reasoning.


Security Issues

Although this tool may attract the attention of many, it is important to understand the risks that entail maintaining our privacy and safeguarding our personal data.

There are two options to share our WhatsApp conversations in GPT Chat to get the application to analyze them: copy and paste messages directly into the application bar, or download the chats and share the file in .txt format with the OpenAI chatbot. While the second option is usually more effective, it carries greater risks if you prefer maintaining your data’s confidentiality, as you could end up sharing everything you send, not just selected messages.

Benefits of AI in Analyzing Conversations

Understanding emotional nuances and detecting potential issues can lead to better relationships.

  • Heightened Awareness: Users become aware of troubling patterns in their conversations.
  • Improved Communication: By identifying “red flags,” individuals can learn to communicate more effectively.
  • Conflict Prevention: Early identification of toxicity helps prevent future conflicts.

Practical Tips for Engaging with AI Tools

When using AI tools to analyze relationships, consider the following tips:

  1. Be Selective: Only share specific parts of conversations that concern you.
  2. Cross-Reference: Validate findings with trusted friends or a professional.
  3. Keep Perspective: Remember that AI lacks the ability to understand the complexity of human emotions.

Looking Ahead: The Future of AI and Relationships

The new tools developed through AI evoke a range of opinions and feelings. However, we must be cautious when interpreting the information machines provide, particularly when it comes to human judgment and emotional intelligence, attributes machines currently lack. As we continue to integrate AI into our lives, the future remains uncertain. Would you trust ChatGPT to help you decide what is best for your personal relationships?



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