Search group finds clandestine crematorium in Quintana Roo

Search group finds clandestine crematorium in Quintana Roo

CANCUN.- The Collective for the Search for Missing Persons “Truth, Memory and Justice of Quintana Roo”, They reported the discovery of ash mounds with alleged charred bone fragments in a rustic construction in the municipality of Benito Juarez, Cancun, Quintana Roo.

The discovery resulted from an operation search carried out last week, at the request of the group, which anonymously received a reference point to locate the place, where an oven with charred remains of people was finally found.

“We have had positive evidence that there are indications that it is a place that operates clandestinely with cremations of missing persons. Who is looking for these people? We do not know.”

“We gathered evidence that There are fragments of remains that could be human, we requested that they be packed and that the area be cordoned off so that the authorities could intervene under protocols,” he said.

Rivera, mother of Diana Garcia, Missing in February 2020 in a nightclub in Cancun, along with Jorge Kiaudescribed the clandestine crematorium as a masonry construction, with a black metal door.

The property is at 200 meters from the highway to Meridabetween the jungle. There is a gap that leads to the building, which is walled in.

Prosecutors confirm existence of oven with human remains

The FGE confirmed the existence of the oven with charred human remains and noted that the property was secured as part of the investigations.

The search was supported by the National Network “Relatives in Search of María Herrera”, founded by María Herrera and four of her eight children; the other half disappeared in violent circumstances between 2008 and 2010.

Juan Carlos, José de Jesús and Miguel Ángel arrived last week in Cancun for the unification rally of the National Links Network (REN), which brings together 200 groups of relatives of missing persons in Mexico.

As part of the operation, the state’s Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Missing Persons conducted a search, authorized by a judge.

Search group finds clandestine crematorium in Quintana Roo

“More than 12 fragmented pieces could be seen, moved and found. Twelve steps away from my feet we were able to find another point where some metal pieces were found that were probably surgical,” Rivera described.

Romana said that, after three years of documenting the disappearances of people, there have been found bodies or bone remains in cenotesin clandestine graves, in garbage dumps or burned in clandestine crematoriums, far from the city, to “make them disappear.”

The number of missing people is increasing

The number of disappearances is increasing and there is a forensic crisis. The lack of methods to compare the genetic evidence of relatives with that of the bodies in the Forensic Pantheon prevents them from being recognized and it is not possible to know whether or not they belong to missing persons.

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2024-09-24 05:19:12



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