Jeffrey Monson Social Adaptation Center Opens in Blagovarsky District

In the village of Prishib, the Jeffrey Monson Social Adaptation Center has begun operating, located in the building of a former nursing home for the elderly and disabled.

— Our center offers unique rehabilitation programs that help people change their lives for the better, — the project manager, assistant to the deputy of the State Assembly-Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan Jeffrey Monson Islam Salimgareev shares with us. — It was opened with the support of the Administration of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Blagovarsky District with the help of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan. We are ready to provide support from the fight against addictions to recovery from injuries.

Islam Salimgareev emphasizes that the Center’s team understands perfectly how difficult it is to overcome difficult moments and cope with addictions. The institution offers specialized programs to combat drug and alcohol addiction, as well as gambling addiction. All services are provided anonymously, which allows patients to feel comfortable.

— Our team of highly qualified specialists will provide professional help and care. We create a safe and supportive space where a person can open up and begin the healing process, — says Islam Salikhyanovich.

In addition, the Center provides rehabilitation programs for participants of the special military operation (SVO). The center employs professional psychologists and narcologists, as well as chemical dependency consultants. Today, 14 patients are receiving treatment here, and the team strives to expand its capabilities by attracting more specialists and developing new programs.

The Jeffrey Monson Center for Social Adaptation has become an important step towards improving the quality of life of the region’s residents, providing the necessary support and assistance to those who need it. The professionalism and understanding that the specialists offer make this project especially significant.

Address of the Social Adaptation Center: Blagovarsky District, Prishib village.
Contact numbers: 89374940303; 83472667703.



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