DYPA: Over 300 recruitments of former LARCO employees

Specifically, as the Public Employment Service (DYPA) states in its announcement, a total of 302 of the 658 former employees, who are registered in the digital register of the DYPA, have been hired by agencies, through the action, which started at the beginning of August. The total of 1,407 offered positions cover a wide range of specialties and are extended to the Greek territory:

Among the host organizations are Regions, municipalities, hospitals, Health Centers, universities and other Legal Entities under Public Law.

The aim of the action, with a budget of 60 million euros, is the creation of new full-time jobs in the public sector, in accordance with Decree No. 31178/08-05-2024 KYA (Government Gazette B’ 2686).

The total duration of subsidized employment is: a) up to 24 months for beneficiaries up to 54 years of age and b) up to 7 years for beneficiaries 55 years of age and older. The gross monthly earnings amount to 1,210 euros.

Beneficiaries aged 55 and over can be employed in the following host organizations:

Municipality of Aliartou
Municipality of Thebes
Municipality of Levadea
Municipality of Orchomenos
Municipality of Chalkidea
Municipality of Kymi-Aliveri
Municipality of Dirfyon-Messapia
Municipality of Mantoudi-Limni-Agia Anna
Municipality of Kastoria
Municipality of Servia-Velvedou
Municipality of Lokron
Region of Central Greece
Region of Attica
Region of Western Macedonia

Beneficiaries up to the age of 54 can be employed in the following host organizations:

Ministry of Environment and Energy and Regional Forestry Services in the administrative boundaries of the Regions of Central Greece, Western Macedonia and Attica
Public Employment Service
Electronic Unified Social Security Agency
Region of Attica
Region of Central Greece
Region of Western Macedonia
Administrative Services of University Departments in Kozani and Chalkida
Hellenic Authority for Geological and Mining Research
Bodies of the Ministry of Health, such as: i. Livadia General Hospital, ii. Thebes General Hospital, iii. Chalkida General Hospital, iv. Kastoria General Hospital, v. Kameni Vourla Health Center, vi. Amfikleia Health Center, vii. Atalanti Health Center, viii. Aliartou Health Center, ix. Thebes Health Center, x. Livadia Health Center, xi. Schimatari Health Center, xii. Oinophyte Health Center, xiii. Aliveri Health Center, xiv. Psachna Health Center, xv. Mantoudi Health Center, xvi. Argos Orestikos Health Center, xvii. Amyntaio Health Center and xviii. Serbian Health Center.

For the Public Invitation, which describes in detail the terms and conditions of the program, interested parties can visit the address:

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