Halkidiki: Shocks a woman who was viciously attacked by a dog

Halkidiki: Shocks a woman who was viciously attacked by a dog

A 39-year-old woman was seriously injured after being attacked by a dog in the area of ​​Kassandra in Halkidiki last Monday (16/9).

The victim of the attack described speaking to Mega how the incident happened and how she herself experienced the nightmarish attack. The woman is in the hospital, while she made a complaint to the owner of the dog, who was arrested and then released.

Halkidiki: Shocks a woman who was viciously attacked by a dog

In fact, according to the woman’s complaint, this is not the first time that this particular dog has attacked people.

It is worth noting that such was the severity of the attack that the 39-year-old received as several of the wounds she bears are penetrating.

The description of the 39-year-old is shocking

“I was walking down the street, I had left my children at their activities, and I was going to get a coffee and walk until it was time to pick them up,” said the 39-year-old, continuing: “Suddenly I see this woman and she said to me: “run”. I said to her “why should I run?” In general, I’m not afraid of animals. I saw her slip and her dog get away. While he knows the dog is aggressive he didn’t have a muzzle or something that holds the whole body of the dog.”

“The dog jumped on me, and as I raised my hand to protect myself, it bit me on the bottom,” the victim of the attack said.

Watch Mega’s video:

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