“I hope to be a full-time actor again”

Dénes Száraz, also known from the series Good and Bad, is currently working as a swimming instructor. The actor told Blikk that he hoped he might get an offer in the summer, but he couldn’t wait any longer, he had to find a job. He works in the Dagály spa, a friend helped him find a job.

I have been working as a swimming instructor since the first of July. I haven’t had enough acting assignments for a while, I waited until the summer to see if there would be outdoor performances or some kind of filming, but it didn’t happen, so I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to help myself, and I knew how

– explained the actor, who also completed a serious training before he could start work.

This is currently his main job, he is on duty 21 days a month. He added: this job is not his primary goal, but he tries to make the best of the situation, to focus on the positives, his colleagues are nice, many people recognize him, he likes to talk to people, and he can even swim for free.

I hope this is a transition period and I can be a full-time actor again. In the summer – unfortunately – I only had three performances a month, for now Hazatalálsz will not continue, and no matter how hard I tried, as a freelancer it was not enough for our financial security. I didn’t hesitate, I picked up the phone and contacted professional colleagues, but I only received a positive response from one place, in a performance at the Veres1 Theater. There, too, we will only start rehearsals from February 2025, and there are still a few months until then – said the actor.



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