NPWP Data Leak Denied from Directorate General of Taxes System

Data security illustration (

The Directorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance denied the issue of the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) data leak originating from the system within the scope of the tax authority. The leaked data was also said not to be a data structure related to the implementation of Taxpayers’ tax rights and fulfillment of their tax obligations.

This was conveyed by the Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Dwi Astuti, through a written statement, Friday (20/9).

“Data log access in the last six years shows no indications that point to direct data leaks from the DGT information system. The distributed data structure is not a data structure related to the implementation of Taxpayers’ tax rights and fulfillment of their tax obligations,” he said.

DJP, continued Dwi, has coordinated with the Ministry of Communication and Information, the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN), and the Indonesian National Police to follow up in accordance with applicable provisions.

Also read: PDP Law in Effect, Heavy Sanctions Threaten Companies If Data Leaks Occur

In addition, the DGT also strives to ensure the confidentiality and security of Taxpayer data is maintained properly in the DGT’s information system and infrastructure. This is parallel with efforts to improve the security system and protection of Taxpayer data.

“By evaluating and improving data governance and information systems through updating system security technology and security awareness,” said Dwi.

DGT, Dwi added, appealed to Taxpayers to help maintain the security of their respective data, including by updating antivirus, changing passwords regularly, and avoiding accessing suspicious links or downloading files to avoid data theft. (Mir/M-4)

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