84% of stroke cases worldwide can be prevented by these 10 risky eating habits. Eating less of one type of oil may lead to stroke?

Will eating less of one type of oil make you more likely to have a stroke? Studies have found that new stroke cases around the world have surged by 70% in the past 30 years. The latest data shows that nearly 12 million people have a stroke a year. Researchers also found that 84% of stroke cases worldwide are preventable, with as many as 23 modifiable risk factors, including the top 10 dietary habits.

84% of global stroke cases can be prevented by 10 dietary habits that increase risk

A team of experts specializing in studying the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) believes that understanding the global and national stroke burden, high-risk factors and development trends is important for future prevention and medical planning. The study aimed to analyze stroke-related data from 1990 to 2021. The results were published in an international journal on September 18《The Lancet Neurology》Published in (Lancet Neurology).

What are the preventable factors for stroke? ⬇⬇⬇

Research methods|Analysis of stroke cases in 204 places over the past 30 years

Researchers estimated the incidence, prevalence, mortality and overall disease burden (DALYs) of stroke in 204 countries and regions around the world between 1990 and 2021. The assessment included data on total stroke, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and subarachnoid hemorrhage, and analyzed the impact of 23 risk factors on stroke burden.

Research results|New stroke cases increased by 70%, mortality rate increased44%

  • Between 1990 and 2021, the number of strokes increased to 11.9 million, an increase of 70%; the number of survivors increased to 93.8 million, an increase of 86%; and the number of deaths increased to 7.3 million, an increase of 44%.
  • Stroke has become the third leading cause of death worldwide, after coronary heart disease and COVID-19.
  • In 2021, 84% of the stroke burden can be attributed to the 23 modifiable risk factors mentioned above.
  • Over the past 30 years, the causes of stroke with the most significant increases: high BMI (up 88%), high temperature (up 72%), high blood sugar (up 32%), sugary drinks (up 23%), low physical activity (up 11%) %), high systolic blood pressure (up 7%) and a diet low in Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (up 5%).
  • In 2021, the five leading causes of stroke in the world are high systolic blood pressure, suspended particle pollution, smoking, high low-density cholesterol and household air pollution.
  • Suspended particle pollution is the first high-risk factor for subarachnoid hemorrhage, accounting for 14%.
  • The burden of stroke caused by a diet high in processed meat and low in vegetables dropped by 40% and 30% respectively; the rates of suspended particulate pollution and smoking also dropped by 13% respectively.

Research results | 23 stroke risk factors that can be prevented

Research has found that 84% of stroke cases worldwide are related to 23 modifiable risk factors:

  • Suspended particle pollution, household air pollution caused by solid fuels, daily low temperatures, daily high temperatures, lead pollution
  • High sodium diet, diet high in red meat, diet high in processed meat, diet low in fruits, diet low in vegetables, diet low in whole grains, alcohol consumption, sugary drinks, low fiber diet, low in polyurethane Unsaturated fatty acid diet
  • Low physical activity (for ischemic stroke burden only), smoking, secondhand smoke, high BMI, high fasting glucose, high systolic blood pressure, high low-density cholesterol (for ischemic stroke burden only), and renal dysfunction ( Low glomerular filtration rate)

In this regard, the researchers emphasized that stroke is largely preventable. Substantial progress has been made globally in reducing the burden of stroke caused by poor diet, air pollution and smoking, demonstrating the success of strategies targeting these risk factors over the past 30 years.

They caution that taking action to prevent and control these modifiable stroke risk factors is critical to solving the growing global health crisis. For example, because air pollution is interconnected with ambient temperatures and climate change, urgent climate action and measures to reduce air pollution are extremely important. In addition, as the problem of hyperglycemia becomes more common, and people often drink high-sugar drinks and other risk factors, solutions to obesity and metabolic syndrome are also urgent.

11 common symptoms of stroke

According to the Hong Kong Department of Health, stroke refers to the “occlusion” or “burst” of some brain cells due to cerebral arteries, and the brain cells die due to lack of nutrients and oxygen. Stroke patients typically experience the following symptoms:

  • The body becomes weak, numbness and/or tremor in the face, arms or legs, hemiplegia, slurred speech or loss of the ability to speak, crooked mouth, squinting eyes, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, severe head pain, immobility Stability or falling, incontinence of urine and feces, drooling.
  • Severe cases may cause drowsiness or even death.

Source:《The Lancet Neurology》EurekAlertMedscape

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