Press review for Monday, September 23, 2024 –

The trip of the President of the DRC to the USA is widely commented on by the newspapers published this Monday in Kinshasa.

Approaching the subject, Africanews indicated that the President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi arrived, Sunday September 22 in the morning, in New York in the United States of America, to participate in the work of the 79th Session of the General Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the United Nations.

Also addressing the topic, The Daily reported that President Tshisekedi was welcomed at JF Kennedy International Airport in New York
by officials of the American administration, surrounded by the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Thérèse Kayikwamba,
his Chief of Staff Anthony Nkinzo and the Representative of the DRC to the United Nations, Zénon Mukongo.

Exclusive DRC for his part affirmed that President Tshisekedi’s speech before the United Nations tribune is highly anticipated at this
that he must inform world leaders of the multifaceted efforts he is making to restore the territorial integrity of the DRC in the face of aggression by Rwanda. But also, he adds, President Tshisekedi should also continue his advocacy in favor of the Democratic Republic of Congo through bilateral and multilateral meetings.

The Journal revealed that the 79th UN General Assembly is taking place in an international context marked by significant progress in the reform of the United Nations Security Council, so desired by Africans. And that the USA is in favor of expanding the Security Council to two (2) African countries without the right of veto.

It should be noted that the DRC is awaiting its election to the Human Rights Council on October 9.


Emongo Gerome

2024-09-23 08:37:05
#Press #review #Monday #September #



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