Floka Waste Treatment Plant: The time for the contract has arrived

Floka Waste Treatment Plant: The time for the contract has arrived

Another decisive step for the construction of the Waste Treatment Plant in Floka, Western Achaia took place on Friday, as the Audit Court sent the necessary documents to the Solid Waste Management Association of the Prefecture of Achaia (SYDISA) with which it notifies that it approves the signing of a contract with the contractor which will undertake the construction of the factory.

In fact, a few days ago, the president of SYDISA, Grigoris Alexopoulos, had announced the happy development, stressing that after 15 years of efforts, “water has entered the gutter”.

Now, the company “Mesogios SA”, which undertakes the construction of the project, can be invited to sign the contract with SYDISA in order to start the work in the next period, when the European funds will be “unblocked”.

Of course, Mr. Alexopoulos had also pointed out that the government’s intention to unify the Municipal Waste Management Agencies (FODSA) of the Region of Western Greece, which is already taking the form of a bill, is causing concern. According to Mr. Alexopoulos, the integration of the agencies can complicate things and freeze or even overturn plans at the local level.

If everything proceeds as planned, the implementation of the project will provide a definitive solution to the problem of waste management in the wider region and based on the current plan, the waste of Patras and Western Achaia will be processed.

The project includes the construction of a Solid Waste Treatment Unit and all the necessary infrastructure and the supply of mobile equipment. The act includes the necessary works and facilities, as well as other actions and actions for the creation at the location of Floka in Western Achaia of the Processing Unit of 53,032 tons/year of residual mixed urban waste and of the Processing Unit of 8,113 tons/year pre-selected at the source of bio-waste from the brown bin networks . The processing residues of MEA and MEBA will be transferred for disposal to the landfill at the Floka site of the Municipality of Western Achaia.

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