“He also has a responsibility to appear again in the political foreground”

“He also has a responsibility to appear again in the political foreground”

On Saturday (21/9) Louka Katseli gave an interview on the UPDATE program of ERTNews.

The former minister spoke about the challenges of politics in Greece, highlighting the need for a new approach based on ethics and collectivity.

“Politics is a function,” he stressed. “Those of us who are involved in the public space must project ethics. The politician is a role model, like the teacher. And today, morality is everywhere.”

Mrs. Katseli argued that the crisis of confidence in the political system is now generalized. “It’s not a party issue. It is a crisis of the entire political system, from New Democracy to the far right and left. There is a deep crisis of confidence in the representative system.”

In addition, Mrs. Katseli referred to the importance of political dialogue, underlining that the politician must offer hope and promote cooperation, instead of creating divisions. “Toxicity and aggression have increased in recent years due to uncertainty. When parliamentarians attack each other, that climate spreads through society and destroys democracy.”

For the future course of Greece, Katseli noted that a specific vision and planning is needed. “We talk very little about where we want Greece to be in ten years. What are the priorities to improve the economy, our society, national sovereignty?”

Regarding the political future, the former minister urged the parties of the progressive space to unite and present credible options to the citizens. “Greece needs an official opposition that will provide alternative solutions. It is the only realistic solution.”

Ms. Katseli stated that she had submitted her own thoughts on the creation of a single entity in the Left in June, while she emphasized that “there must be a reorganization of a progressive front and we can discuss what it means for me, at least, to be someone progressive in 2024. This could be done with an initiative of people who from the social agencies, from the bottom up, to proceed to a conference, programmatic programmatic convergence and a conference to form such a single ballot in 2025, where the parties to participate in this process to give their own candidates. Daring? Yes. Ambitious? Yes. Realistic? I believe it is the only solution.”

Then, he also referred to the role of Alexis Tsipras, noting the former prime minister’s responsibility in reorganizing the progressive space: “Alexis Tsipras also has a responsibility to appear again in the political spotlight. I have worked with all of them and, of course, I have my preferences, but I will not express them publicly. What every PASOK voter should do is to ask three basic questions: What has each person contributed? What work has he left? And what does he want to do in the future?”

Mrs. Katseli closed her interview with a clear warning: “If there is no reorganization, our democracy will be in danger. We must give citizens credible options for the future, or we will lose our most valuable asset.”

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#responsibility #political #foreground



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