World AIDS Day: More than 23 hundred patients in Balochistan, six high-risk districts

Today (December 1) worldwide Aids World AIDS Day is being celebrated, which aims to create awareness about this incurable disease. This day is also celebrated in memory of those who have died due to AIDS.

The ‘Red Ribbon’ is a worldwide symbol of solidarity with those affected by AIDS. Globally, a theme is set for AIDS Day every year and the theme for 2023 is ‘Let Communities Lead’.

Provinces of Pakistan Balochistan The number of AIDS patients has also increased rapidly.

In this regard, Independent Urdu spoke to Deputy Manager of Balochistan AIDS Control Program Dr. Mir Khalid Qambrani and wanted to know about the increase in this disease and the high risk districts of the province.

Dr. Mir Khalid Qambrani told Independent Urdu that ‘this year, as a result of the tests conducted by the Balochistan AIDS Control Program, 23 hundred and 58 patients suffering from AIDS were found in the province, while last year this number was 2,016.’

He said that the number of AIDS patients in Balochistan this year is expected to be seven thousand, but the number of registered patients is 23 hundred and 58, of which 1751 men, 472 women, 99 children and 36 transgenders are included. .’

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According to Dr. Mir Khalid Qambrani: ‘Similarly, the number of patients registered in Quetta this year is 1937. The number of patients registered in Turbat is 339, of which 287 are men, 41 are women and 11 are children. The number of patients registered at the hub is 44, of which 35 are male, six are female, one is a child and two are transgender.

“Similarly, the number of patients registered in Naseerabad is eight, of which three are men, three women and two children, while the number of patients registered in Loralai is 30, of which 22 are men, six women and two children.”

He told Independent Urdu that six districts in Balochistan have been declared as high risk for AIDS, including Quetta, Gwadar, Turbat, Zhob, Shirani and Nasirabad, where the number of AIDS patients is high. .’ In addition, ‘the virus that causes AIDS is also very high in mining areas.’

Dr. Mir Khalid Qambrani further said that there is a severe lack of awareness among people in Balochistan. They are afraid to get tested for AIDS and afraid to come out in society. A common man should also get tested for HIV AIDS.’

He further informed that the provincial AIDS control program has provided free test facilities in hospitals in all districts and screening kits are available in all these districts.

The Provincial AIDS Control Program has established three new centers in Dera Murad Jamali, Loralai and Hub last year, while the existing two centers are in Quetta and Turbat. Now the number of these centers has increased to five in Balochistan.

More than 100,000 people were given HIV screening tests this year. These tests have been done in all districts and central jails of Balochistan. Aids control program also provides free treatment facilities for AIDS patients in all centers where expensive medicines are also provided free of charge.

#World #AIDS #Day #patients #Balochistan #highrisk #districts
2024-09-23 12:25:13



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