Why did 8 MPs vote no? –

It is now known. Only 8 deputies and senators out of 168 voted no to the report containing the amendments to the draft constitution. 3 abstained. The majority voted massively Yes. Why did they vote no?

According to Jean Valentin Leyama, the amendments proposed by his friends and him were not taken into account. We do not recognise ourselves in the report that was voted on. ” he said.

Super President

Jean Valentin Leyama indicates that if the recommendations adopted by the parliamentarians are applied, Gabon will find itself with a President of the Republic with too much power.

The President of the Republic will be the ” supreme head of the executive “, it will be ” head of government ” and will remain the “president of the High Council of the Judiciary”.

« Even the separation of powers advocated in the national dialogue has not been applied. ” he laments.

Puppet Prime Minister

The post of Prime Minister, which has been proposed for abolition, is maintained. However, the Prime Minister will no longer be head of government. He will be limited to chairing inter-ministerial councils and coordinating government action.

Division et exclusion

According to the 8 parliamentarians, the conditions of eligibility for the presidency of the Republic encourage exclusion and divide the Gabonese.

« The conditions of eligibility for the post of President of the Republic are discriminatory “, denounces MP Leyama.

« The very fact of determining the choice of spouse suggests that Gabonese people must now pay attention to their libido ” he says ironically.

On the institutional level, Jean Valentin Leyama believes that it is a ” democratic decline never recorded since 1991 ».

In terms of living together, there is now ” a categorization of Gabonese people “. The motor disabled are officially excluded. ” It’s crazy ” he chokes.

Two seven-year terms for the president

The 8 parliamentarians ” sulking ” claim to have suggested a 5-year mandate renewable once for the President of the Republic.” We were not listened to “, he points out, specifying that the 5-year mandate is in line with most constitutions in the world.

A nod to CTRI

The 8 parliamentarians are referring to the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI). As in a menu + about the report of the parliamentarians + we wait for what the CTRI will retain and what it will reject “, they hope.

Mission accomplished

« We have opted for a 7-year mandate, renewable once, to prevent the President of the Republic from seeking a third 5-year mandate at all costs. “, justified Paul Biyoghe Mba, current 1st Vice-President of the Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG, former ruling party).

The conditions of eligibility for the presidency of the Republic have sparked much debate. According to the draft constitution, one must be born of a Gabonese father and mother, their own parents also being Gabonese. Be aged between 35 and 70 and be married to a Gabonese man or woman.

In his closing speech, the President of the National Assembly, Jean François Ndongou, also President of the Constituent Assembly, admitted that the task was not easy for the parliamentarians who had just 10 days to examine the text.

« The very heated debates, the tensions which sometimes characterised our work, undoubtedly bear witness to the liveliness of our constituent assembly and the great interest shown by each of you in our main objective. “, said Mr. Ndongou.

Asked about the content of the report of the amendments suggested by the parliamentarians, the president of the Senate who is also vice-president of the Constituent Assembly said that she would reserve the first place for the president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema.

« For my mission I leave there with the feeling of a mission accomplished. “, summarized the deputy Pépécy Ogouliguendé.

According to the presidential decree that convened the constituent assembly, the parliamentarians were tasked with proposing amendments to the draft constitution and submitting it to the transitional authorities. It will be up to them to integrate them or not and have the draft adopted by the council of ministers.

The final text will be voted on by the people in a referendum planned before the end of the year.

Carl Nsitou

2024-09-23 10:29:10
#MPs #vote



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