“Why They Go Away” –

It is a flight from Azione that in the last 24 hours has lost four parliamentarians: Costa, Carfagna, Gelmini and Versace. The party leader, Carlo Calenda, makes mea culpa during the Thursday 19 September episode of Otto e mezzo, interviewed by Lilli Gruber. “I think I was wrong to open the doors of the party to people who at that time did not have a party that nominated them. I did it because at that time they supported Draghi”.

Everyone runs away from Calenda but his problem is Time (which tells it)

The former candidate for mayor of Rome says that “in the last few weeks a back-stage dance has begun. They didn’t leave because of the wide field but because they believe that our central position is difficult to maintain after the European elections. What is certain is that they move from opposition to majority having voted for half the legislature against the government’s measures and saying all sorts of things about them”, is Calenda’s bitter comment. “Every time there is an electoral defeat, the leadership is called into question. After the European elections I brought together the entire management, which asked me to stay. We made mistakes but the political project is not over: Azione goes forward” he continued.

2024-09-23 10:38:51



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