DIJON: France Nature Environnement is organizing a debate on climate change on October 2

The theme will be “Adapting to global warming in urban areas”.

Press release from France Nature Environnement Côte-d’Or dated September 20, 2024:

FNE Bourgogne-Franche Comté and FNE Côte d’Or invite you to join us on October 2 at 6 p.m. at La Coursive (Dijon) for the public debate “Adapting to global warming in urban areas”

Global warming in the city: what problems, what solutions? Let’s meet to define tomorrow’s solutions together! On the program: consultation workshops, presentation of local actions, serious game…

This public debate will above all be a moment of sharing and reflection, but also an opportunity to get actively involved in building a more resilient and sustainable city. We hope to see many of you for this enriching experience!

Presentation of inspiring local initiatives: Three committed collectives and associations will share their visions and objectives to make their city more resilient to climate challenges.

Serious game: building a more resilient city together: Come play an immersive game that aims to simulate the transformation of a fictional city in the face of the challenges posed by climate change. A major challenge: collaborate to implement effective adaptation actions… while pursuing your personal goals.

Workshop: concretely, what solutions can we bring together tomorrow?

After having taken an overview of the issues and possible solutions, we will reflect together on the main actions that would make the city more resilient to climate change and more pleasant for all its inhabitants.

Useful links: Inscription / Carpooling



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