The President prayed, met with an economist and visited a newspaper on his agenda in New York

Sun. 22.09.2024-08:28

The Crisis, the Rebellion in the UCR, and the Midnight Confessions at Quinta de Olivos

“Do you really think I’m going to just stand up and put on a show?” asked the radical Mariano Campero to Martín Yeza in the barbecue area of the Presidential Residence in Olivos on Tuesday night, in front of the top government officials. “Go ahead, do it,” responded the Macrista. The deputies were attending the barbecue in honor of “the 87 heroes,” as Javier Milei referred to those who prevented the opposition from acquiring two-thirds of the votes in the Chamber of Deputies to block the veto against the retirement mobility law. Campero, one of the four legislators suspended on Monday by the National Convention of the UCR for his actions during that vote, stood up and walked to the head of the table. “Excuse me, President, may I say a few words?” he interrupted. Then, he turned to Karina Milei: “Excuse me, boss.” The siblings nodded. Campero then lifted a glass and began tapping it with a fork. A brief silence followed. The man from Tucumán requested the microphone and shouted with enthusiasm: “Gentlemen, long live the country!” Continue reading

The Crisis, the Rebellion in the UCR and Midnight Confessions in Quinta de Olivos

The Scene at Quinta de Olivos

On the night of Tuesday, September 22, 2024, an unexpected fervor enveloped the Presidential Residence at Quinta de Olivos. Tensions surrounding the Argentine political crisis had reached a boiling point, and the rebellion within the UCR (Radical Civic Union) was palpable during a barbecue organized in honor of “the 87 heroes.” These were the legislators who played a crucial role in thwarting the opposition’s attempts to secure two-thirds of the votes necessary to repeal the veto against the retirement mobility law.

Mariano Campero, a radical deputy, stood out in that tense setting as he confronted Martín Yeza in a dramatic exchange. The significance of this night went beyond mere camaraderie and celebration; it underscored the fractures within the governing coalition and the resilience of dissenting voices.

The UCR’s Internal Conflicts

The UCR has been grappling with a crisis of identity and strategy, particularly as dissent has emerged in the form of suspended lawmakers. On the eve of the barbecue, four deputies, including Campero, faced suspension by the National Convention of the UCR, reflecting the party’s struggle to maintain unity amid external pressures and internal disagreements.

This rebellion has broader implications for the UCR’s future and its role within the ruling coalition. Key players like Javier Milei emphasized the importance of these dissenting legislators in maintaining power against a backdrop of mounting public discontent and calls for reform.

Barbecue: A Symbol of Resistance

The barbecue setting transformed into a stage for both celebration and defiance. As Campero raised his glass, he emphasized national pride amidst political turmoil. His speech resonated with fellow party colleagues and supporters alike, reinforcing the notion that unity in adversity was crucial for their survival.

His proclamation, “Gentlemen, long live the country!” echoed the sentiments felt by a faction of the UCR, committed to confronting the current challenges head-on while also navigating the delicate political landscape.

Strategies and Actions Inside the UCR

1. Building Alliances

The UCR must focus on forging alliances within the coalition, especially with other moderate factions, to build a more cohesive front. This will involve negotiations and possibly compromises on key policies to ensure stability.

2. Engaging the Grassroots

To regain public trust, the UCR needs to connect with its grassroots supporters. Organizing town halls, open forums, and community events can facilitate a better understanding of constituent concerns and criticisms.

3. Clear Communication

Effective communication is vital for any political party. The UCR should enhance its messaging strategies, utilizing social media platforms to share their vision and accomplishments transparently. This will help counter misinformation and galvanize support.

Case Study: The 87 Heroes

The “87 heroes” referred to by Javier Milei represent a defining moment for the UCR. This group of legislators exemplifies the delicate balance between loyalty to party leadership and adherence to their constituents’ demands. Their actions not only influenced the immediate political landscape but could also serve as a case study for future political maneuvers in Argentina.

Legislator Region Political Stance Key Contribution
Mariano Campero Tucumán Radical Opposed veto on retirement fund
Karina Milei Buenos Aires Macrista Supported the coalition
Martín Yeza Santa Fe Macrista Facilitated key negotiations

Practical Tips for Understanding Political Turmoil

Stay Informed

Regularly follow reliable news sources and political analysis to understand the complexities of political events in Argentina.

Engage in Discussions

Participate in community discussions or forums that focus on the political climate. Engaging with others can provide diverse perspectives and foster understanding.

Follow Political Leaders on Social Media

Staying updated through social media can provide real-time insights into political maneuvers and statements from key politicians.

Midnight Confessions and Their Political Implications

As the night deepened at Quinta de Olivos, the atmosphere was charged with revelations and discussions that transcended typical political gatherings. The “midnight confessions” became a metaphorical expression of transparency and vulnerability among legislators. This informal setting allowed for candid discourse, revealing the deeper anxieties driving the political rebellion.

This moment underscored the need for a reevaluation of the UCR’s strategies and alignment within Argentina’s intricate political landscape. As parties navigate these turbulent waters, understanding the challenges and dynamics at play will be essential for survival and success.



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