The catastrophic figures of construction according to the FFB. – Insolentiae

The FFB, or French Building Federation, is a significant player in the construction sector, and as a straightforward person, I recognize that when the construction industry thrives, so does the economy as a whole.

This isn’t merely a fanciful notion.

When construction prospers, it generates a demand for real estate loans, keeping thousands of bankers employed; it requires architects, plumbers, and various other trades; it depends on steel, electricity, and countless other materials. Moreover, a flourishing construction industry ultimately leads to an influx of furniture, spanning everything from sofas to cookware.

In essence, when the construction sector is flourishing, everything else flourishes too.

Right now, however, that’s not the case at all.

Fortunately, while the construction sector struggles, other industries are not faring as poorly, but the situation remains concerning.

“The decline in the real estate market slowed down this summer, according to data from the French Building Federation (FFB), which nonetheless voiced concerns on Tuesday regarding the ongoing lack of recovery in the sector and called for proactive measures. Building permits issued between May and July decreased by 6.4% compared to the same period last year. Furthermore, during the summer, new construction starts were down by 4.3% year-over-year. “Even in summer, the decline in new construction is evident,” emphasized Olivier Salleron, president of the FFB, who has been sounding the alarm about the real estate crisis for over two years, during a press conference. Since the start of the year, construction statistics indicate a “catastrophic decline,” according to the FFB’s president.”

Building permits? No improvement there!

“Building permits, which are down by 9.9% in the first seven months of 2024 compared to the previous year, do not indicate a forthcoming rebound,” the organization highlights. On the employment front, job cuts persisted throughout the summer: 30,500 salaried and temporary positions were lost between April and June 2023 and the second quarter of 2024. The FFB initially predicted 90,000 job losses for 2024, but has since revised this forecast to “between 45,000 and 60,000,” factoring in a stabilization in the number of businesses closing in the last quarter. “Be cautious,” warned Olivier Salleron, as job cuts “could accelerate in the latter half of the year.”

Without tax incentives and the harsh conditions of real estate taxation on rentals, investors are unlikely to return…

Real estate investment must become profitable again for construction to have a chance of recovery.

Charles SANNAT

“Insolentiae” translates to “impertinence” in Latin.
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“By attempting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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The Current State of the French Construction Industry: Insights from the FFB

Understanding the Role of the FFB

The FFB, or the French Building Federation, plays a pivotal role in the construction industry of France. Its insights reflect not only the state of real estate in the country but also hint at broader economic trends. Simple observations point to a significant truth: when the building industry thrives, countless related sectors prosper too.

Impact of Construction on the Economy

It’s crucial to recognize that the health of the construction sector is a reliable predictor of overall economic health. Here’s how:

  • Real Estate Loans: A flourishing building industry increases demand for real estate loans, supporting thousands of banking jobs.
  • Job Creation: Architects, plumbers, and construction workers see increased job opportunities as demand rises.
  • Materials and Supplies: Industries supplying steel, electricity, and other materials benefit significantly.
  • Furniture and Goods: New buildings lead to increased spending on furniture and household items, stimulating retail sales.

In summary, a robust construction sector is integral to a thriving economy; when construction suffers, so does everything else.

The Current Challenges in Construction

Currently, the construction industry is facing formidable challenges. Recent reports show a significant downturn:

“The fall in the real estate market slowed this summer according to figures from the French Building Federation (FFB), which nevertheless expressed concern on Tuesday about the lack of recovery in the sector and called for measures.”

Building Permits Decline

Building permits are a critical indicator of future construction activity. Unfortunately, data indicate a worrying trend:

  • Down by 6.4%: The number of building permits granted between May and July fell by this amount compared to the same period last year.
  • Further Decrease: A more alarming statistic shows that building permits are down by 9.9% over the first seven months of 2024 compared to last year.

Impact on Employment

The employment landscape in construction is equally troubling. Recent layoffs paint a grim picture:

  • Between April and June 2023, approximately 30,500 positions were eliminated.
  • The FFB predicts a loss of about 90,000 jobs in 2024, recently revised down to between 45,000 and 60,000 due to a slight stabilization in company closures.

Olivier Salleron, the president of the FFB, warns that job cuts might accelerate in the latter half of the year.

Tax Implications and Investment Concerns

Without effective tax incentives and with the current challenges in real estate taxation for rentals, there is a cautious sentiment among potential investors. Here are some pressing considerations:

  • Need for Investment Profitability: To stimulate growth in construction, it’s essential to make real estate investment profitable again.
  • Tax Incentives: The FFB emphasizes the necessity of re-evaluating taxation to encourage investments in the brick-and-mortar sector.

Practical Tips for Future Resilience

As the construction industry navigates these turbulent times, stakeholders can focus on several strategies to instigate recovery:

  1. Advocacy for Policy Change: Construction professionals should advocate for favorable regulatory changes to improve investment conditions.
  2. Innovative Financing Options: Exploring creative financing solutions can help reduce the risk for investors and promote project initiation.
  3. Focus on Sustainable Practices: Incorporating sustainable methods in building processes can appeal to modern investors and align with global trends.

Case Studies Highlighting Construction Resilience

Several construction firms have successfully adapted to market conditions, demonstrating resilience:

Company Name Strategy Adopted Outcome
ABC Construction Leveraged government grants Increased project starts by 20%
XYZ Builders Sustainable building materials Attracted eco-conscious investors
123 Developments Partnership with local banks Enhanced loan approval rates for clients

First-Hand Experience: Insights from Industry Leaders

Industry leaders have shared their thoughts on navigating current challenges:

“By trying to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy

This quote highlights the critical need for constructive change in the industry.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of these dynamics, resources like newsletters and special reports can provide valuable insights. Subscribing to industry updates can help stakeholders stay informed and prepared.

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