In PASOK there is a candidate who, if elected, Mitsotakis will throw a party 2024-09-23 08:36:06

“At the moment, only the government is the recipient of any concern of society, so it is logical that this creates increased expectations and a constant request to “go ahead guys”. It is true that all people are struggling with accuracy today, on the other hand it is true that since the financial crisis we started with 25% of our GDP minus. We have to catch this. Today we have come to have 7% more purchasing power with inflation in it. What happens now? With the investments that are coming, wages are really starting to rise”, Mrs. Bakoyannis pointed out, adding:

“Mitsotakis never said he was a magician with a magic wand. Citizens are currently comparing proposals. For example, on the issue of banning cell phones in schools normally people would sit down to compare and see which leader they agree with. Right now, however, the other political parties don’t even have a leader, so the world is only choosing Mitsotakis straight away. This is an imbalance of the political system and we are paying dearly for it.”

“Politics is not done with letters from Jesus”

With reference to the rise of the parties to the right of the ND, Dora Bakoyannis reminded that Panos Kammenos had also received 10% in national elections. “There are always sprayers. When Velopoulos talks about letters of Jesus Christ and wax ointments, I’m sorry, this is not politics. On the one hand we will declare war on Turkey, on the other we will bring the Russian to command the European Union to save us, I’m sorry but these are not serious things”

When asked why she herself rules out the government’s right turn, she hastened to refer to the ND’s founding declaration, which “if you take it today and read it 50 years later, you will see that it is a modern declaration. ND has an identity and no one disputes that. Konstantinos Karamanlis said that ND is a party that is neither to the right nor to the left, but covers from the modernized Left to the non-fascist Right. Whenever we made the mistake of collapsing that space, we got to 18%.”

Responding to the rumors about the “guerrilla” of 11 deputies regarding the “red loans”, Mrs. Bakoyannis noted that “if the normal democratic operation is called guerrilla, then we have a problem. We MPs have an obligation to put pressure on the government.”

Finally, commenting on the internal party elections of PASOK, he pointed out that he does not have a preference, however “there is a candidate who, if elected, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will throw a party”

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