Unannounced checks on purchases of baby and children’s goods

Unannounced spot checks in businesses operating in shopping for baby and children’s items for possible vertical partnerships carried out by Competition Commission.

In a relevant announcement by the committee, it is noted that the conduct of such audits is carried out in companies from which evidence of anti-competitive practices in the investigated market can be collected and does not prejudge that the companies have engaged in anti-competitive behavior nor does it prejudge the outcome of the investigation.

The committee recalls that the law does not allow partnerships between businesses (agreements, decisions of associations or concerted practices) that have as their object or effect the restriction of competition, prohibits unilateral practices that constitute an invitation to prohibited collusion and announcement of future intentions to price products and services to competitors, and the abusive behavior of companies with a dominant position in the market.

The committee points out that within the framework of its powers, it will intervene as an immediate priority where deemed necessary and will examine every relevant case that comes to its attention, by submitting a complaint, request for leniency or anonymous relevant information through the secure digital environment (whistleblowing). or otherwise, and will impose severe administrative sanctions on companies that may engage in anti-competitive practices.

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