In Marseille, 2,200 demonstrators against the coup

Coup de force, denial of democracy. The expression is back on everyone’s lips. This Saturday, two weeks after a first demonstration, there were 2,200 according to the prefecture marching in Marseille, sixteen days after Emmanuel Macron chose to appoint a Prime Minister from the ranks of the Republicans, against the result of the legislative elections. I don’t even have the words to express the infinite disgust you inspire in me. ” proclaims a placard in the middle of the crowd. Among the demonstrators, a large proportion of young people, high school or university students, who chain together slogans and clapping.

Strike or dismissal

« The government does not seem to be meeting the expectations of the French “, deplores Audrey Cermolacce, national leader of the PCF, who calls for mobilization alongside the trade union organizations. Like her, the deputy (Apres, ex-FI) Hendrik Davi calls for mobilization on October 1st. ” We end up with a government of the right and the right, supported by the extreme right “, he sighs, calling for a single candidate on the left to hope to beat the RN.

« Today we are showing that we are present, and we are trying to get everyone on board for the 1is october “, explains Sébastien Koch, secretary of the CGT 13, supporting the need for a day of interprofessional mobilization for salaries and pensions. ” Sign the petition for impeachment “, rather invites the deputy (LFI) Sébastien Delogu in front of the mobilized young people, echoing a Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came to Marseille, who justifies that with this unprecedented procedure, ” we see the consciousness of the people around us evolving ».



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