Today’s Weather Forecast, BMKG Cloudy to Rain

Illustration. (doc. MI)

THE Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts today’s weather (23/9) to be cloudy, cloudy to rainy in Indonesia. BMKG forecaster Rif’at Darajat explained that for the Sumatra region, Padang City is predicted to be smoky or foggy. Meanwhile, light rain is predicted to occur in Pekanbaru City and Tanjung Pinang.

“For people in the cities of Medan and Banda Aceh, they need to be alert because it is predicted that there will be rain and lightning,” he said from the weather forecast broadcast on the BMKG YouTube channel, quoted Monday (23/9).

Meanwhile, Lampung City is predicted to be cloudy, Jambi City is predicted to be thickly cloudy. Then light rain is predicted to occur in Bengkulu, Palembang and Pangkal Pinang.

Also read: Indonesia’s weather is predicted to be cloudy and rainy

For Java Island, he said, thick cloudy weather is predicted to occur in the cities of Surabaya, Semarang and Yogyakarta. Then, light rain is predicted to occur in the cities of Serang and Jakarta.

Also read: Indonesia Weather Forecast on September 23, 2024 According to BMKG

“People in Bandung City need to be vigilant, it is predicted that there will be rain accompanied by lightning and thunder,” he explained.

Meanwhile, for the forecast on the island of Bali and Nusa Tenggara, thick cloudy weather is predicted to occur in the cities of Mataram and Kupang. For the city of Denpasar, Bali, it is predicted to rain with light intensity

Also read: BMKG Weather Forecast Today: 23 Regions in Indonesia Have Potential for Rain

Then the Kalimantan region, cloudy weather is predicted to occur in Banjarmasin City and Pontianak City, be aware of lightning. In Tanjungselor City, Samarinda and Palangkaraya because it is predicted to rain accompanied by lightning or thunder.

For Sulawesi, foggy weather is predicted to occur in Kendari City and cloudy weather in Manado City, thick clouds in Gorontalo City and light rain in Makassar City, moderate rain in Mamuju City.

“For those in Palu City, be aware of rain accompanied by lightning and thunder,” he said.

Eastern Indonesia, cloudy weather is predicted in Ambon City and thick cloudy weather is predicted in Ternate City, while light rain is predicted in Jayapura City, Sorong City, Manokwari, Nabire. Then, Jaya Wijaya and Merauke are predicted to experience moderate rain.

Rif’at explained that the information conveyed is a general description in each region. For people who want to know specific information that is updated every three hours in all regions, they can monitor the information on the BMKG application which can be downloaded via Appstore or Play Store.  (H-3)

#Todays #Weather #Forecast #BMKG #Cloudy #Rain



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