The deletion of Salma became the message of Kyriakos Mitsotakis in all directions

The deletion of Salma became the message of Kyriakos Mitsotakis in all directions

The timing of the news of the expulsion from the ND parliamentary group of Etoloakarnania MP Mario Salma must have seemed strange to many, as the prime minister is already in New York to participate in the UN General Assembly with a busy schedule of contacts . However, it certainly did not fall like a bolt of lightning, and this is because Mario Salma’s attitude has recently been put under the “microscope” of the Maximus Palace with senior government officials stressing that he “had continuous inappropriate behavior” and made “malicious criticism”, adding that the corresponding recommendations had been made, inviting him to take a parliamentary position.

In particular, the MP of Etoloakarnania had co-signed with 10 other blue MPs the current question about the red loans, with the Minister of Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis answering and Marios Salmas coming back speaking on a TV show insisting that the issue has been resolved for the banks, no but also for the borrowers who are left unprotected, adding dictatingly: “you must have worked in your life to understand the citizen”.

The fight with Lina Mendoni
Marios Salmas persisted in his complaints about “photo contests” for the exploitation of canteens in museums and archaeological sites, who had submitted a relevant question to the parliament, with the Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni answering him on the steps of the parliament on June 28 between others: “in some cases the prevailing situation was a sanitary bomb. The organization wants a contractor who will deposit the rents and not owe millions. There are already estimates, 5 million for uncollected wages, We want a contractor who can pay and keep exemplary catering facilities. According to information from the entourage of the MP of Etoloakarnania, he has filed a new topical question at the end of July on the subject, with newer information. From the side of the government, it is emphasized that the criticism is more than welcome in the ND, with the clarification that “the repeated formulation of accusations for issues that have been answered in detail by the relevant Minister in the Parliament, is directly contrary to the principles and values ​​of the faction and the functioning of our parliamentary group”.

The particularly tense atmosphere is also reflected by the fact that the Maximos Palace emphasized that “when someone, instead of addressing the competent prosecutor, continues to repeat unfounded and unsupported accusations in the same way without presenting any evidence at all, then this behavior is not only unacceptable she is also suspicious”. It is worth adding that Salma has also been targeted by the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, for the increases in drug prices.

According to information from Newsbeast, the chairman of the Ethics Committee, Ioannis Tragakis, shortly before it was officially announced that the Prime Minister sent him a letter with the question of his deletion based on articles 20-21 of the operating regulations of the ND’s KO “for anti-parliamentary or anti-party or anti-colleague behavior that causes serious damage to the party or another MP” called Mario Salma where he told him that he was being referred for removal, with the MP asking for the reason.

For those who know well how the prime minister works, it is clear that he never makes decisions in the heat of the moment. It is recalled that after the European elections at the meeting of the ND Committee of the People, Marios Salmas had taken a sharp stance accusing the government of dealing with the few and not the many, with Kyriakos Mitsotakis replying: “I do not accept suspicions that we are with the few, we do not we got 41% because we were with the few”.

On Monday at 12:00, the ethics committee is expected to meet to decide on the deletion.

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