Talented Young Swimmers Emerge at PON 2024


HEAD of the Development and Achievement Division of the Indonesian Aquatics Executive Board (PB AI) Wisnu Wardhana said that young talents will emerge in the 2024 National Sports Week (PON).

“PON 2024 is quite a joy for us because we see so many young talents under the age of 17,” said Wisnu as reported by BetweenWednesday (18/9).

After several days of observation, Wisnu, who was also present as the head of the talent search team, said that the names that emerged in the four-yearly sporting event came from various regions.

For example, in the women’s sector, Jakarta swimmer Adelia Chantika Aulia was the fastest in the women’s 200-meter backstroke with 2 minutes 16.77 seconds.

The 13-year-old swimmer’s time broke Nurul Fajar Fitriyati’s PON record at PON 2021 Papua with 2 minutes 19.78 seconds. Then there is also Michelle Surjadi Fang from Banten who is 15 years old.

Meanwhile, for the sons, among them are the names of Samuel Maxson Septionus from Jakarta who is 16 years old and Jason Donovan Yusuf who is 17 years old, as well as others.

Also read: Jakarta and East Java Compete Tightly in the 2024 PON Swimming Branch

With the many young talents, PB Aquatics will also take concrete steps in coaching so that young swimming athletes can continue to improve their achievements.

“So these reserves must be given the widest possible opportunities. Especially to participate in international events so that they are even more motivated,” said Wisnu.

Wisnu also revealed that after the 2024 PON, PB Aquatics immediately moved quickly to call young swimmers to take part in national training under the Ministry of Youth and Sports’ National Sports Achievement Improvement (PPON) program.

“There are two national training camps. The first is for the long term for the Youth Olympic Games in 2026 and also the Asian Youth Asian Games in 2025 for those aged 15 and 16,” said Wisnu.

Meanwhile, to face the 2025 SEA Games in Thailand, PB Aquatics will conduct a joint review with the team from the Ministry of Youth and Sports. (Z-6)

#Talented #Young #Swimmers #Emerge #PON



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