nuovenergie arrives at the cinema together with rai advertising


Dal September 26th to October 2ndthe Nuovenergie spot lands in cinemas thanks to an agreement with Rai Advertising.

The spot will be visible in 128 Italian cinemas belonging to the Rai Pubblicità circuit reaching over 600 screens e tens of thousands of spectators who will go to the cinema on those days to see one of the films on the program.

Cinemas are places rich in history and charm and Nuovenergie is thrilled to be part of the magical atmospheres that only a movie theater can offer its spectators.

This advertising activity is part of a broader context of Multi-channel promotion that the company has begun to build in recent years, combining traditional street billboards with advertisements in newspapers and magazines, without forgetting digital channels, radio and videos.

Enjoy the show and… see you at the cinema!



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