Ancient Harmonies. The concert back in time of the authentic sound of 430Hz by Marianna Rossi. » Tuttogolfo

Ancient Harmonies Concert – A concert that promises to be unique and capable of arousing particular emotions. This is the one proposed by the Association “‘ATOPON cultures and dialogues”, with the artistic direction of Marianna Rossi, in collaboration with the “Licinio Refice” Conservatory of Frosinone. The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Formia, Proloco city of Formia and the Conservatory of music of Frosinone, will take place on Sunday 22 September at the parish church of the Madonna del Carmine in via Angelo Rubino 125 at 7:30 pm. It is a concert performed with ancient instruments tuned to 430 Hz: a great opportunity to listen to music as it might have been performed in past centuries, appreciating the authentic sound nuances of another era.

Ancient Harmonies Concert – It will therefore be a truly unique cultural and emotional experience. Not only a slightly softer and warmer sound compared to modern tuning, but also an atmosphere and musical “color” that recalls the cultural environment when the works were written. Therefore, a performance that offers a window into the past, making historical music more alive and accessible. Performing on stage with the music of LVBeethoven are the Artists and Teachers of the same Conservatory: Rodolfo The Bank (clarinet); Gyorgyi Farkas (bassoon); Milos Tacacs (natural horn); Paul Perrone (violin); Hector Belli (viola); Mark Ceccato (cello) and Luca Cola (double bass). We ask the artistic director Marianna Rossi to provide us with some additional details for classical music enthusiasts.

Ancient Harmonies Concert – What are the salient features of this listening? “First, historical authenticity. The 430 Hz tuning is closer to how instruments were tuned in the past, especially during the Baroque and Classical periods. Today, most concerts use the modern standard 440 Hz tuning, but in the past, tuning varied greatly from place to place. The 430 Hz tuning, therefore, brings us closer to the sound that composers and musicians of the time would have actually heard and produced. Second, the different timbre and sonority. Instruments tuned to 430 Hz produce a slightly softer and warmer sound than the modern 440 Hz tuning. This lower tone creates a different feeling of harmony and resonance, which can be more relaxed and natural to the ear.”

Ancient Harmonies Concert – “It is a sound experience closer to that perceived in past centuries. Thirdly, the connection with tradition. Using ancient instruments or copies of period instruments and tuning them according to historical principles, allows to preserve and transmit a direct link with the ancient musical tradition. It is not just about reproducing music, but about immersing oneself in a way of making music that respects the techniques and sensibilities of another era”. And as a final step? “The unique listening experience. The audience can live a special and different experience compared to modern concerts. It is not just a technical question. In short, a concert performed with ancient instruments tuned to 430 Hz is an opportunity to listen to music as it could have been performed in past centuries, close your eyes and immerse yourself in those sound perceptions allowing you to appreciate the authentic nuances of another era, thus offering a truly unique cultural and emotional experience”. So all that remains is to seize this rare listening opportunity. Don’t miss it. Free admission.



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