Reptile suddenly crawled out of grandma’s bathtub

“Help, the creature got stuck while trying to escape from the sewer and died in my grandma’s bathtub,” a user posted on Facebook. The “creature” that allegedly emerged from the bathtub is a lizard. According to the user’s account, the animal came up through the drain.

Is that even possible? “Yes,” states reptile expert and reptile zoo owner Helga Happ. “It’s quite unusual. I’ve never encountered anything like this before. However, it’s possible that the lizard was searching for a place to hibernate, became trapped in the drainage system, and then attempted to return to the light. Poor animal.” The expert identifies it as a native sand lizard. While there have been instances of snakes escaping and emerging from drains, she has never witnessed this occurrence with lizards.


According to the individual involved, the animal died while trying to escape the sewer and subsequently got stuck. She shared pictures in the Facebook group “Villacher helfen Villachern.” The post sparked considerable speculation and discussion online.

Help, the Thing Got Stuck: Can Lizards Crawl Out of Drains?

“Help, the thing got stuck trying to get out of the sewer and died. In my grandma’s bathtub,” writes a user on Facebook. “The thing” that supposedly crawled out of grandma’s bathtub is a lizard. According to the user’s description, the animal came out of the drain.

Can Lizards Really Crawl Out of Drains?

According to reptile expert and reptile zoo owner Helga Happ, the phenomenon of lizards emerging from drains is rare but not impossible. “Yes,” she states, “it’s completely unusual. I’ve never seen anything like it before.” The native sand lizard may have accidentally found itself in the drainage system while searching for a hibernation site, possibly becoming disoriented in the process. When desperate, the lizard likely tried to claw its way back to daylight but tragically succumbed.

Reasons Lizards Might Venture Into Drains

  • Seeking Shelter: Lizards often look for warm, sheltered spots during colder months.
  • Food Sources: The drainage system may provide access to insects or other food sources.
  • Escape Routes: Lizards may inadvertently enter these systems while trying to escape predators.

Expert Insights into the Behavior of Lizards

Helga Happ’s extensive experience confirms that reptiles tend to thrive in specific environments. Below are key insights into lizard behaviors that can lead them to unexpected places:

Natural Habitats

Sand lizards, a common type of lizard in many regions, typically inhabit sandy or dry areas. They emerge from their hiding spots to bask in the sun, which is essential for their metabolism. Their instinct to seek warmth could have motivated the lizard to crawl into the pool area.

Seasonal Behavior

During the autumn months, reptiles become increasingly active, seeking safe places to hibernate. The confusion between indoor and outdoor habitats might lead to unexpected encounters:

  • Hibernation Preparation: In search of warmth and security.
  • Increased Activity: Seeking food before the dormancy period.

Discussions on Social Media

The post capturing this unusual event has sparked intense speculation within the Facebook group “Villacher helfen Villachern.” Users are sharing their encounters, stories, and concerns about managing wildlife invasions in home spaces.

Common Reactions and Suggestions

  • Fear of Infestation: Many shared fears about potential lizard infestations.
  • Advice on Barriers: Suggestions for physically securing plumbing entries to the home.
  • Local Wildlife Resources: Recommendations to contact local wildlife services for removal and support.

How to Manage Wildlife Encounters

Whether you’re dealing with a lizard, snake, or other wildlife, below are practical steps to mitigate surprise visits:

Basic Prevention Tips

  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect and seal potential entry points around drains and doors.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Ensure outdoor areas are tidy to reduce attracting insects and wildlife.
  • Handle with Care: If an animal enters your home, contact a professional wildlife removal service instead of attempting to handle it yourself.

Case Studies of Reptile Encounters

Other instances of reptiles entering homes have often resulted in discussions about human-wildlife interactions:

Related Encounters

Species Location Outcome
Snake Porch Relocated by wildlife experts.
Gecko Kitchen Safely returned outside.
Turtle Garden Rescued and returned to a pond.

Personal Experiences with Reptiles

Sharing first-hand experiences can help others better manage similar situations. Here are some insights from local residents:

Residents’ Stories

  • Linda M.: “I once found a small snake in my basement. I was scared at first but called a local service that safely relocated it.”
  • John D.: “A lizard wandered into my sunroom. It was unexpected but harmless, so I opened the door and let it out.”

Final Thoughts on Reptile Sightings

The peculiar case of the lizard emerging from a sewer drain has ignited discussion and concern about wildlife interactions in residential areas. While these encounters can be alarming, understanding the natural behaviors of reptiles and sharing knowledge within communities can lead to better wildlife management practices. Together, we can adapt to the presence of these creatures and enhance our coexistence with nature.



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