Danni Büchner and Co.: Reality stars spill the beans and reveal their salaries

Jungle camper Danni Büchner talks to RTL about her career as a reality star and reveals her fee.

Thorsten Legat regrets his participation in reality shows such as the jungle camp.

Legat’s son Nico has also been involved in reality formats like “Prominent getrennt.” His father Thorsten believes that Nico did not present his best self.

Reality actress Alessia Herren feels there is no downside to participating in trash formats; in her view, it’s easy money.

In the latest episode of the RTL weekly magazine “Extra,” reality TV stars share insights into their lives in trash formats. Thorsten Legat, Danni Büchner, and Alessia Herren openly discuss money, boundaries, and decisions they later regret.

Celebrities such as Danni Büchner, Alessia Herren, and Thorsten Legat candidly address both the positives and negatives of reality TV on their lives and families. While Danni Büchner highlights the financial benefits and enforces clear boundaries for her children, Thorsten Legat expresses disappointment over the public image of his son and regrets his own involvement in reality TV. Alessia Herren views her participation as a straightforward way to earn money, although she is also considering vocational training to ensure a secure long-term career.

Reality formats evoke mixed opinions—some viewers cannot bear to watch, while others are hooked. However, questions frequently posed by viewers of trash TV include: Why do celebrities partake in such shows? Do they regret their appearances later? And, how much do they earn from it?

The RTL weekly magazine “Extra,” hosted by Mareile Höppner (47), explored these questions. Danni Büchner (46), Alessia Herren (22), and Thorsten Legat (55) discuss the allure of trash TV in the newest episode, sharing their experiences of family fame in reality television. Danni Büchner, who gained fame primarily through “Goodbye Germany!” and participated in several formats (including “Sommerhaus der Stars,” jungle camp, and “Celebrity Big Brother”), balances her family’s presence in the public eye. Her daughters, Joelina and Jada, have come to recognize both the advantages and disadvantages of this exposure.

Currently in her third semester of law school, Jada aspires to be a lawyer. She explains, “That’s why I need to be cautious and think about my future,” expressing concern about the negative stereotypes associated with reality TV stars. She acknowledges, “I don’t come across very well in various formats either,” which makes her apprehensive about her public image. Still, she intends to continue participating in trash formats for a few more years. Jada adds, “I think every viewer assumes we’re all foolish. I would think that too if I saw myself on TV. But in reality, we’re just humans, and I believe there’s more substance to us. I’m studying law; there must be something in us.”

Joelina takes a more relaxed approach to her career. As a trained flight attendant, she enjoys watching herself on television and admits, “A few years back, I was really excited about the media world, thinking, ‘I hope to get a format!'”

When it comes to show formats, Danni Büchner sets firm boundaries for her daughters: “No dating formats, no Schakalaka formats, no nude formats. These are small rules, but they know them. I don’t want to see my daughter half-naked on some island.” Jada playfully retorts, “Then just turn off the TV.” However, her mother insists, “Absolutely not!”

Regarding her own participation in reality TV, Danni Büchner admits, “Money plays a significant role, of course. Otherwise, it’d be a lie,” and even discloses that she earns between 5,000 euros (approximately 4,720 francs) and 8,000 euros (just under 7,600 francs) a month. Some shows may pay even more. “It’s easier to earn money than when I was cleaning toilets or selling fruit at the market. That’s for sure.”

Alessia Herren has heeded her father’s advice. Like Joelina and Jada, Alessia Herren (22) is the daughter of a reality TV personality. Her father, Willi Herren, who passed away in 2021 at age 45, participated in the jungle camp and “Celebrity Big Brother,” among other shows. For Alessia, this connection is an asset: “I already felt like I was in the public eye. Before, I didn’t have to degrade myself or act foolishly with a guy to gain notoriety.”

Alessia is participating in the new season of “Sommerhaus der Stars” and expresses pride in following in her father’s footsteps, believing he would also be proud of her involvement. She recalls his words about reality TV: “Go for it, it’s so easy to earn money!”

Alessia lives with her husband and young daughter in a three-room apartment on the outskirts of Cologne and feels grateful for her luxurious life. Although she lacks formal training, she aims to change that soon: “What I’ve been considering lately is: It may sound funny, but if Aldi hires me, you’ll soon see me working there. That’s definitely my goal.”

Not everyone shares a positive view of their reality TV presence. The Legat family has faced difficulties due to such formats. Former professional footballer Thorsten Legat (55) and his son Nico (26) have made names for themselves in trash TV, but not in the best light. Nico’s parents were not amused by his conduct on “Temptation Island,” where he gained attention for excessive drinking, lap dances, and several infidelities on camera. Initially, Thorsten defended his son during this debut format. However, after Nico’s poor performance on “Prominent getrennt,” Thorsten sharply criticized his behavior. Nico has not had contact with his family for weeks.

Thorsten states, “We raised our children with values, yet there comes a time when you wonder: ‘What is going wrong here?'” He clearly distances himself from his son’s actions and adds, “Alcohol, parties, drugs, smoking, women—none of that is bad. But when it spirals out of control, you start to question, as a father, ‘What did we do wrong?'”

Thorsten’s wife, Alexandra Legat, shares the sentiment: “Personally, I would prefer it to be different, with the children leading normal lives and pursuing standard jobs. Maybe they could play a bit of football or have a girlfriend.”

If Thorsten could turn back time, he probably wouldn’t have entered reality television: “I would have been happy if I had never received the request. That changed everything. Until today.”

Reality Stars Spill the Beans: Danni Büchner, Thorsten Legat, and Alessia Herren Speak Out

In the latest episode of RTL’s “Extra,” notable reality television personalities opened up about their experiences in the industry. Danni Büchner, Thorsten Legat, and Alessia Herren spoke candidly about their journey within the lucrative yet controversial world of reality shows. From financial gains to personal regrets, their stories highlight the duality of fame in the realm of reality TV.

Danni Büchner: Embracing the Spotlight with Caution

Danni Büchner rose to fame primarily through the show “Goodbye Germany!” and has since appeared on several reality formats including “Dschungelcamp” and “Celebrity Big Brother.” In her interview, she discussed the financial benefits of reality TV, revealing her earnings range between €5,000 and €8,000 per month.

Setting Boundaries

While Büchner enjoys the financial aspects, she remains protective of her daughters, Joelina and Jada, striving to maintain certain boundaries:

  • No dating formats
  • No provocative shows
  • Prioritize education and personal growth

Her daughter Jada remarked, “We are often perceived differently on these shows. I fear the negative image could affect my future as a law student.” Büchner emphasized the importance of maintaining these boundaries to ensure her children’s well-being.

Thorsten Legat: A Regretful Journey

Former professional footballer Thorsten Legat shared his regrets about participating in reality shows. His son Nico’s notorious appearances have caused concern within the family. Legat expressed disappointment over how reality TV impacted his family, stating:

“I would have been happy if I had never received the request. That changed everything. Until today.”

Nico’s Reality TV Journey

Nico’s participation in shows like “Temptation Island” and “Prominent getrennt” attracted negative attention, displaying behaviors that worried his parents.

  • Excessive drinking
  • Inappropriate conduct

Thorsten reflected, “We raised our children with good values, but somewhere, things went awry. I can’t help but wonder what went wrong.”

Alessia Herren: The Easy Money Perspective

Alessia Herren, daughter of the late Willi Herren, has embraced her father’s view of reality television as a lucrative opportunity. Currently appearing in “Sommerhaus der Stars,” she explained, “It’s easy money, and I’m proud of my dad’s legacy.”

Future Aspirations

Despite enjoying her time on reality TV, Alessia recognizes the need for a stable career path. She stated:

“I might work at Aldi soon! It might sound funny, but I believe in a secure future.”

The Financial Allure of Reality TV

A common theme among these stars is the financial lure of reality television. Here’s a brief overview of their reported earnings:

Reality Star Reported Monthly Earnings
Danni Büchner €5,000 – €8,000
Thorsten Legat Undisclosed
Alessia Herren Undisclosed

The Impact of Reality Television on Families

While reality TV can offer financial rewards, the consequences on personal and family life are significant. Danni brings her family into the spotlight with caution, while Thorsten expresses a desire for a more typical family existence. Alessia, on the other hand, balances her reality fame with future ambitions.

Reflection on the Reality Format

Reality TV formats create a polarized view among viewers—some are drawn in, while others are repulsed. Within the industry, personal reflections and public perceptions often collide, leading to sometimes harsh realities.

Conclusion of Their Insights

As the discussion unfolds, it becomes apparent that each participant has their perspective on the genre. They acknowledge the financial gains but also the potential fallout—whether it’s reputational damage or family strife. The allure of quick money is counterbalanced by the weight of public scrutiny.

In the ever-evolving landscape of reality television, future participants will likely continue to wrestle with the same questions: Is the money worth the potential consequences? How will their newfound fame influence their futures? The lives of Danni Büchner, Thorsten Legat, and Alessia Herren reveal the complexities inherent in the world of reality TV.



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