Florent Pagny Gives Mixed News About His Health in a Podcast

2024-09-22 11:16:52

The podcast, which will be released on September 24, offers a more nuanced view of the artist’s disease progression, compared to his previous, rather reassuring statements made on social networks this summer.

The 62-year-old singer, who had initially given the impression of being on the road to recovery, now explains that the situation is more complex than it seemsHealth is good,” he begins, before qualifying: “but with a three-month perspective for two years”. He also confides that the treatments he was following, including immunotherapy, were stopped because they proved ineffective in the face of relapses“We realized one day that it wasn’t working, there were relapses, we gave up,” explains Pagny.

The singer reveals having suffered three relapses since the beginning of his battle with lung cancer. Despite everything, he continues to have regular check-ups, approximately every three months, to monitor the progress of his condition. These examinations now punctuate his daily life, without allowing for any real long-term planning.

“Every three months, you come to see if you are not going back in a direction, or if you can continue in a freedom of life,” he shares, describing a situation where uncertainty weighs, without however breaking his optimism.

Despite the lack of treatment and the inability to consider a return to the stage for the moment, Florent Pagny don’t give up. He will continue to appear in the next season of The Voicethe fourteenth, alongside Vianney, Patricia Kaas, and Zaz. If his artistic projects remain suspended, the artist remains determined to continue his commitment to television.

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