What is the price of the dengue vaccine?


On the eve of the beginning of spring in Argentina and a few months before the beginning of summer, concern grows over the circulation of mosquitoes aedes aegypti, that transmits the virus of dengueIn this context, since last year the private health system has been offering doses of the Qdenga vaccine, manufactured by the Japanese laboratory Takeda.

Besides, The City will begin vaccinating against dengue on the 30th of this montha week after what I had anticipated a week ago: The first group will be boys from 15 to 19 years oldaccording to the local phased plan with which they will seek to prevent the number of cases of the 2023-2024 epidemic from repeating itself.

Anmat approved the vaccine last year Qdenga, of Japanese origin, for local marketing, which It is available in the network of private vaccination centres and also in pharmacies. Its use is authorised from the age of four.

Without any discount from health insurance, the dengue vaccine dose is offered in pharmacies for a price of $80,000. Meanwhile, in some private laboratories it can be obtained for around $90.400.

This is the value of the dose. It must be taken into account that there are two inoculations, so the same price must be paid – plus whatever increases due to inflation – after three months. There are prepaid and social security companies that are offering coverage and vaccination centers that provide a 20% or even 40% discount when the application is private.

The national vaccination campaign against dengue fever has begun.Marcelo Manera

The list of coverages that the vaccination centers are working with includes OSDE, the social security of the College of Notaries and the Judiciary, the Social Security of Management Personnel (OPDEA) and the plans of the Association of Senior Personnel, Techint Organization and the Techint Social Services Foundation (Apsot/FSST). They also provide coverage according to the plans and if the application is in their own or contracted vaccination centers, Swiss Medical, Galeno, Hospital Alemán, Hospital Austral, Hospital Italiano, OMINT, Pasteur, Unión Personal Civil de la Nación (UPCN), among others.

Nevertheless, The Buenos Aires City Government will begin vaccinating adolescents between 15 and 19 years old free of charge on September 30As doses are available and it is necessary due to the magnitude of the outbreak – the initial purchase was for 60,000 doses – we will move on to young people between 20 and 30 years old, and so on.

At the vaccination centers, the staff also remembers that The vaccine is contraindicated in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, immunocompromised people (people with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency) and those receiving chemotherapy or high-dose corticosteroid treatment.

As the Buenos Aires Minister of Health said, Fernan Quiros, The impact of the dengue vaccine is “marginal”, since the most important thing is the prevention before the adult mosquito begins to circulate.

The main ones preventive measures The following are still the removal of debris and environmental management to prevent the proliferation of the mosquito that carries the virus, along with the use of repellent, light-colored clothing that covers arms and legs, especially during outdoor activities, coils, tablets or sprays in rooms, mosquito nets on windows and nets on strollers, beds and cribs to protect the little ones.

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