Illegal prescriptions: In which farm and in which company did the members of the ring have… weakness

The same “champions” were two pharmacists, 60 and 46 years old, who ran pharmacies in Agios Nikolaos and Sepolia, in Athens, in the execution of prescriptions for these pharmaceutical preparations.

The total expense-loss of the EOPYY, for the virtual executions of the prescriptions that were made only at the 60-year-old’s pharmacy, amounts to 1,134,187.68 euros. In fact, the prescriptions executed while the 51-year-old pathologist was in Cyprus amount to 769,035.68 euros. The executions of the prescriptions written by the pathologist for his parents, his wife and his children amount to 22,909.80 euros.

It is noted that out of the total of 3,017,311.96 euros, which is the minimum total damage of EOPYY, from 2020 to 2024, only from the false prescriptions of the pathologist, 1,248,408.17 euros comes from the prescription drugs of the pharmaceutical company where the 57-year-old medical visitor worked.

From the investigation by the police officers of the Economic Police Directorate, it was found that of the 568 pharmacies in which the 51-year-old pathologist’s prescriptions seem to have been executed, 10 of them recorded 74% of the EOPYY’s expenditure, from the total value of his prescriptions.

35.97% of the pathologist’s prescriptions, over the last 5 years, 21,080 prescriptions, were executed at the 60-year-old pharmacist’s pharmacy in Agios Nikolaos in Athens. 7.24%, 3,461 prescriptions, costing 228,393.04 euros, was executed in a pharmacy of a 53-year-old woman in Sepolia, 5.26%, costing 165,872.77 euros, 5,506 prescriptions, was executed in a 49-year-old woman’s pharmacy in Tavros. In another 6 pharmacies, 24.88% of the illegal prescriptions of the pathologist were executed, approximately 20,000 prescriptions.

The stamp on “Michel”

The 51-year-old pathologist, according to police sources, in order to avoid the “expenses” of moving from Cyprus to Greece, as he only came twice a month to be on call at the Regional Clinic and Health Center of Boeotia, where he was assigned, had given medical his stamps on his 57-year-old “assistant”, “Michel” the Moroccan, who was remanded in custody last Thursday, as well as on a 60-year-old pharmacist in Agios Nikolaos and a 67-year-old woman who ran a pharmacy in Marousi.

The doctor issued the prescriptions to AMKA uninsured, foreigners who were abroad, in prisons or facilities. He informed “Michel”, mainly through online communication applications (Viber, Whats App, Messenger), in order for him to print them, put the doctor’s stamp and forge the signature, in order to fill the prescriptions in the pharmacies involved.

From the doctor’s telephone conversations it emerged that he had granted his official seals to the owners of two of the “collaborating” pharmacies. Indicative of the profit margin of the members of the criminal organization was the fact that “Michel”, for every 6-month prescription he printed, stamped, signed and executed in the pharmacies, received a fee from the 60-year-old pharmacist 40 euros and 10 euros for every two-month prescription of drugs that “was processing”.

The “Elli” in GADA

As part of the police investigation, the officers of the Economic Police Directorate “heard” the 51-year-old pathologist’s conversation with “Elli”. It was a woman who had been called by the police to be examined as a witness and was asking the doctor for advice on what to say in order not to “burn” him. “Elli” also refers to another conversation between the pathologist and “Michel”:

Pathologist: Do you hear Elli?

“Michelle”: Yes.

Pathologist: Elli was called by the police.

“Michelle”: Which Elli?

Pathologist: He texted me. His Elli, of such a one.

“Michelle”: His, eh, Angel?

Pathologist: Yes. And Angelo. So he told me, Elli wrote to me. On Friday they will go there, he says, to talk, he says. For the drugs. Now what drugs, what drugs, are you looking for a lot, Michel. I say stop everything.

“Michelle”: Only what you write normally, don’t write the semesters and this and these.

Pathologist: Yes, the normal ones. The others stop. Do you want to talk to the pharmacies too? Did you understand?

“Michelle”: Yes.

Pathologist: Do you want to say something to tell them not to knock? Do you know ours? Because you don’t know now what they’re looking at.

“Michelle”: Yes.

Pathologist: Take care as much as you can now.

They might be looking at my cell phone, mine.

The expenditure of the EOPYY for the prescriptions issued to the AMKA of “Ellis” amounts to 26,733.11 euros for the last 5 years.

The gynecologist

Investigating the illegal activity of the 50-year-old obstetrician-gynecologist, the EOPYY Drug Directorate found that he prescribed vitamin preparations in large quantities from January 2023 to March 2024. When he was called to provide written explanations, almost immediately his prescription charge was reduced more than 45%. It was also established that three pharmaceutical companies, including the one where the 57-year-old medical visitor worked, constituted more than

50% of the doctor’s expenses, while the two months January-February 2023 constituted approximately 85%. More than 50% of the specific companies, in terms of expenses, is carried out in the pharmacy of a 46-year-old man in Sepolia, who “collaborates” with both criminal organizations.

Prescription spending for the uninsured who have zero participation is more than 75% of the gynecologist’s spending. In this way, the total expenditure of EOPYY for the false prescriptions of the gynecologist amounts to 308,264.62 euros, to which are added approximately 250,000 euros from the prescriptions issued by his colleague, a dentist at the Municipal Clinic, and his wife, a cardiologist at a state hospital in of Athens.

The “friend” with two AMKA from Uzbekistan

Examining the AMKAs, which appear to have been used for the illegal prescriptions, the police came across 60-year-old “Alexander” from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, who was said to have a residential address in N. Heraklion, Attica. The specific man, as the police officers were informed by IDIKA, had two different AMKA numbers, on which false expense-loss prescriptions for EOPYY, amounting to 77,653.21 euros, had been executed. It is not illegal to have two AMKAs, unless both numbers are used to register drug prescriptions or welfare benefits or some other benefit.

From the analysis of the prescriptions issued by the 51-year-old pathologist, it was found that he alternately prescribed to the two AMKA of “Alexander”. Also, from search on

Facebook found that the pathologist and “Alexander” are “friends”. At the same time, from the Police Online application “Arrivals and Departures” regarding the air travel of “Alexander”, it was established that the pathologist was carrying out prescriptions for pharmaceutical preparations in the AMKA of his online “friend”, when he was absent abroad. The police were unable to examine “Alexander”, as it was found that since June 2024 he has been in… Cyprus.

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