Aruba Chamber of Commerce calls for opening of borders with Venezuela

This Tuesday, the president of the Aruba Chamber of Commerce and IndustryDiederik Kemmerling, pointed out that the complete opening of the border between the island and Venezuela is necessary, in order to increase trade exchange between the parties.

In an interview with the media Crónicas del Caribe, the expert explained that Changes must be implemented for the business relationship to continue..

“The Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry wants to open the border with Venezuela completely. This is very important for importing and exporting products, because at the moment products in the supermarket are very expensive.”Kemmerling told the outlet.

To date, the air borders remain closed, an issue that hinders tourism among those involved.

On the political side, Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes justified the decision by pointing to mass migration from Venezuela as a major factor in keeping them closed..

Venezuela is one of Aruba’s main export allies, with food and construction materials among its main export items.

“We hear that Venezuela’s economy is better, that the dollar is accepted, so we have more confidence in the country”said Kemmerling, who revealed how important the implementation of a digital trade mission between both countries has been.

“In the opinion of the Chamber of Commerce, we need Venezuela. We need more people in Aruba, products and people who want to invest in the island. There are many opportunities here. Our concern is not about migration, because that can be solved with the visa.”.

#Aruba #Chamber #Commerce #calls #opening #borders #Venezuela
2024-09-22 22:02:12



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