Start of choral ensembles of the Municipality of Aegialia 2024-2025

Start of choral ensembles of the Municipality of Aegialia 2024-2025

The Municipality of Aegialia, continuing the spiritual and artistic work of its choral ensembles and educational departments, invites you to express your interest by declaring participation in the departments that will operate under the direction of conductor and piano teacher Bessys Nassi and will start at the beginning of October 2024.

Headed by the Children and Youth Choir of Aegialia, which hopefully completes 17 years of continuous and creative presence, the choirs have to their credit numerous and important independent participations in the cultural events of our country as well as great collaborations with distinguished artists such as: Vassilis Lekkas, Dimitris Bassis , Kostas Makedonas, Fotini Darra and Dimitris Papadimitriou, Stefanos Korkolis and Sofia Manousaki, Manolis Mitsias and Maria Farandouri again this year with Violeta Ikari. The departments that will work
covering all ages are as follows:

1. Musical games.

The classes are aimed at children aged 4-7 who want to discover music through play. Through musical fairy tales, their imagination takes off and their artistic nature emerges. Music, fairy tale, movement, dance, rhythm contribute to the cultivation of character and creativity
children’s thinking. They will operate every Saturday 10.30-11.30 at the Cultural Center of Aigio “Alekos Megaris”. Monthly cost of participation 1st child 10 euros, 2nd child 5 euros, 3rd child free. Start Saturday, October 5, 2024.

2. Children’s and Youth Choir of Aegialia.

The Children and Youth Choir of Aegialia participates every year in the events organized by the Municipality of Aegialia such as the Christmas Park, the Cultural Summer, the Wine Fairs, in Choral Festivals inside and outside Aegialia, as well as in concerts with well-known artists. Department of Aegis. The melodic voice of the young people of Aegialia sounds fresh and strong, covering a wide range of Greek and foreign repertoire. Rehearsals will take place every Saturday 11.30-12.30 at the Aegis Cultural Center “Alekos Megaris”.

Monthly cost of participation 1st child 10 euros, 2nd child 5 euros, 3rd child free.


Saturday, October 5, 2024.

Diakoptos Department. Since 2008, a generation of children has already been raised and it is still going strong. Rehearsals will take place every Saturday 16.30-18.00 at the Spiritual Center of Diakoptos. Monthly cost of participation 1st child 10 euros, 2nd child 5 euros, 3rd child free. Start Saturday, October 5, 2024.

3. Diakoptos Adult Choir. Based in Diakopto and 9 years of operation, we invite new members from Eastern Aegialia. Rehearsals will take place every Tuesday 19.30-21.00 at the Spiritual Center of Diakoptos. Monthly participation fee 10 euros per person, 15 euros per couple. Start Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

4. KAPI Choir of Aegion. After 10 creative years of continuous operation and dynamic participation in the cultural activities of our Municipality, we invite new members to enrich our musical company. Rehearsals will take place every Monday 10.30-12.00 at the Aegian Cultural Center “Alekos Megaris”. Start Monday, October 7, 2024.

5.Aegio Adult Folk Choir.

With 2 years of successful operation in Aigio, we continue our musical journeys and invite lovers of the great melodies of timeless Greek folk music. Come to our company to share beautiful musical moments. Rehearsals will take place every Wednesday 10.30-12.00 at the Aegis Cultural Center “Alekos Megaris”. Monthly participation fee 10 euros per person, 15 euros per couple. Start Wednesday, October 9, 2024.

Cultivating the voice and engaging in choral singing have an entertaining, educational, pedagogic and social effect and according to international studies they sharpen the imagination and creativity of children and positively affect the mental mood and health of adults.

Information and declarations of participation Mrs. Bessy Nassi

#Start #choral #ensembles #Municipality #Aegialia



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