What to know about bullying

What to know about bullying
  • The team of The Diary spoke with a specialist to learn the signs of this type of violence and how it can be prevented

Bullying is a type of violence that occurs in educational centers and can compromise the coexistence and development of children and adolescents. For this reason, various organizations defending the rights of this population have reiterated the importance of promoting the prevention of these cases.

Carlos Trapani, lawyer and general coordinator of Community Learning Centers (Cecodap), said in an interview for The Diary that bullying is a form of violence between students that is often repeated over time, systematic and progressive, that responds to an asymmetry of power and that occurs in the context of school relationships of coexistence.

The specialist commented that in many cases this type of actions are normalized because they involve young people and based on what is known in Venezuela as “chalequeo“It is very different to laugh with others than to laugh at the expense of others,” he added.

In this regard, she stressed that in order to identify whether a young person is being bullied, parents and guardians must be alert to physical and emotional changes.

How to identify bullying?

Carlos Trapani said that recognizing the first warning signs is essential to be able to intervene in time. These are mainly linked to the behavior of the child or adolescent.

“You have to be alert to any behavior that deviates from normal patterns. If he or she doesn’t arrive with all his or her belongings or if they are broken. Also if he or she is afraid to go to school or has a depressed or, on the contrary, much more violent behavior. If he or she doesn’t want to eat or has night terrors, these are signs that you have to be alert to,” she explained.

She also mentioned that another important factor is communication between parents and children, since having a climate of trust allows the child to describe what their school routine is like and what difficulties they face.

Educate about bullying

Carlos Trapani said that, before returning to school, it is necessary to educate or reinforce the education of children and adolescents about bullying. “It is important to talk about the subject, so that it does not become a taboo or something that is not important in family discussions,” he added.

In her opinion, talking to them about what bullying is, the expected behaviors at school, and also about their fears and concerns, can allow parents to educate their children about what is right.

“Parents must model and condemn any expression of violence and any manifestation of bullying. Bullying is a form of violence that occurs between parents and between students,” she said.

The child rights specialist indicated that Cecodap emphasizes the prevention of bullying by promoting coexistence and that these issues form part of school planning.

What to know about bullying

Interventions by schools should not be merely reactive, temporary or in response to some authority, but rather must be a pedagogical strategy with which the entire educational community develops methodologies, spaces, and opportunities to promote coexistence and prevent not only bullying, but any other form of violence,” he stressed.

What to do in the event of bullying?

In Venezuela there are different mechanisms to deal with cases of bullying or bullyingHowever, Carlos Trapani indicated that the first step is to address the issue within the institution itself.

In this regard, he reiterated that when a case of bullying is detected, one should not be indifferent or minimize the facts. He considered that timely reporting and denunciation to the authorities of educational institutions is important.

According to the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents (Lopnna), mediation should be the first step once a case of school violence is identified, which cannot necessarily be limited to classrooms, since there may be cases of virtual bullying.

This mediation includes teachers, parents and children together with counselors or psychologists from educational institutions. In order to stop the harassment, the parties must opt ​​for agreements and measures that allow them to repair the damage and have the guidance to prevent such actions from being repeated.

However, when the case “is extremely serious, complex or internal avenues within the schools have been exhausted,” it is necessary for those involved to turn to some form of protection system.

Back to school: What should kids and parents know about bullying?

Lawyer and anthropologist Lourdes Pérez said that bullying can manifest itself in different ways. In one pre-interview to The Diaryexplained that in cases where school mediation is not effective or the body does not offer any response, representatives must proceed with the action of a constitutional protection.

In the face of a situation of bullying or bullyingPérez recommended going to the following institutions:

-Child and Adolescent Protection Council

-Children’s Ombudsman

-Public Prosecutor’s Office

-Community Learning Centers (Cecodap)

According to Pérez, processing a case of bullying can take between 3 and 10 months because he assures that everything will depend on the “damage that the bullying has caused.” bullying in the subject”.

She also reminded that complaints can be made on social media and in the Citizen Services section of the Ministry of Education and the Public Prosecutor’s Office website.

Being aware of the signs of bullying can help parents, guardians and teachers take action in time. Therefore, specialists indicate that it is necessary to promote education on the subject and to use mechanisms that allow children and adolescents to talk about this type of action and not participate in it.

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2024-09-22 17:36:39



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