Snapchat Uses Your Selfies for AI Ads – DayFR English

Snapchat is now using your selfies to feed its AI and create personalized ads, without your consent. This raises many questions about privacy and user consent

Snapchat has always been at the forefront of innovation by integrating cutting-edge technologies in its features. Now, the platform wants to use selfies to fuel artificial intelligence (AI) experiments. These images will be used to generate personalized content, especially in advertisements.

A Snapchat representative said that users could appear in AI-generated adscreated from their selfies. They have full control over this feature, which they can enable or disable at any time in the settings” I take a selfie“. However, it is important to clarify that This option is enabled by default..

Snapchat users take selfies that they share with their friends or store in their gallery. The platform uses these images to create new representations users, accessible to their contacts.

According to Snapchat, The general conditions include the possibility of exploiting these images for ads and other AI features, so users should manually disable this option in their settings to avoid this automatic use.


Consent hidden in settings

It is essential to understand how to disable this feature if you do not want your selfies to be used for commercial purposes. To do so, Go to Snapchat settings by clicking on the gear icon. Then, select ” My selfie » in the section « My account » and choose to Update or delete your selfieThis simple manipulation allows you to maintain control over the use of your images.

Using selfies to train AI models is not without its dangers. Personal images posted on social media can contain metadata, such as location. This information can be sold to third parties or used for unforeseen purposesAdditionally, AI models trained on these images can generate deepfakes, which put users’ reputations and privacy at risk.

Training AI on biased datasets can also perpetuate social stereotypesFacial recognition, although less publicized, remains a worrying technology, because it can connect personal information to actions or statements contained in your images, whether real or not.

Artists and photographers are also affected by this practice. If you publish works that you are not the author of, you risk violate intellectual property rightsSnapchat and other platforms can use these works to train their AI modelswithout providing adequate compensation or recognition. This raises questions about the exploitation of artistic creations in today’s digital environment.

Furthermore, the Internet has persistent memory. Once an image is posted online, it is almost impossible to remove completelyIt may remain stored in caches, backups, and archives, even if you delete it from your account.

type=”image/webp”>advertising AI data protection misuseadvertising AI data protection misuse>

It is important to know the risks and take steps to protect your data. Change your privacy settings regularly and avoid posting sensitive information. Stay alert and informed about new features and their implications on the security of your data.

Social media giants like Snapchat need to be more transparent about their data practices. User consent must not be implied or hidden in legal documentsIt is time for platforms to adopt a more ethical approach, respectful of the rights of their users, to preserve trust in the digital ecosystem.

Snapchat wants to innovate, but at what cost? The protection of personal data must remain a priority and users must have full control over how their information is used.

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