“The Androulakis model failed”

“The Androulakis model failed”

Nadia Giannakopoulou was, a few days ago, in Patras and continuing her tour in Messinia and Laconia, she spoke to Peloponnisos FM 104.1 and the program “First Update” about the elections in PASOK and her candidacy for the presidency.

– What do Patras and Achaia mean to you? Political history has shown that our region is one of your old “castles”.
“As a Peloponnesian, I attach great importance to the region. It is very important. We are talking about Patras, the third largest city in the country, the largest city in the Peloponnese, which has great potential, but must enter a different development context. As a city, it must have a distinct and pivotal role. It is one of the most progressive regions of Greece and we want to increase the percentages of PASOK. We have the opportunity to regain our contact with the Progressive world of the region to increase our appeal even more.”

-You are particularly harsh in your criticism of Nikos Androulakis. Why do you think that the problem in PASOK is focused on the current leadership?
—”There is an honest assessment and evaluation. It does not befit PASOK to beautify situations and stay in low flights. The leadership model that Mr. Androulakis has served all these years has failed. The Prefectural and Local Organizations did not function as they should for there to be a two-way relationship between the party and society. How can PASOK produce decisions in the absence of the Central Committee? Domains never worked. So how will we recover our contact with Local Government and trade unions? The failure was seen in the European elections. While there was a fluidity in the political scene and instead of PASOK collecting thousands of voters from ND and SYRIZA, it actually lost. We want PASOK to become a mass movement again. The world doesn’t owe us anything. We owe him. It’s obviously not a one-person thing. We all have our responsibility. Mr. Androulakis, however, as head, reaps most of the responsibility.”

– How do you define yourself politically within your party?
“I am PASOK. I define myself as 100% pure PASOK. I believe that PASOK must once again become the dominant body of the Center-Left, a party of Social Democracy, patriotic, deeply reformist, clearly expressing the majority of citizens from the fringes of SYRIZA to the fringes of ND. We are also addressing the people who are politically homeless, who were away from the elections. We are confident, without measures and averages. PASOK cannot be a closed party, of groups with a group leader. It addresses society with a broad call, drive, smile and passion.”

– If it’s not you, who would you like as your co-candidates?
“It’s not what I want, but what the people want. The need for a reboot must be expressed. I have nothing personal with Mr. Androulakis. We are talking about politics, we are talking about the country. The previous situation has a ceiling, it cannot give the jump we want. However, not even populist options like SYRIZA can provide solutions, nor does Greece need CEO technocrats. It requires emotion, contact with the people and courage to break with interests, establishments and pathogens”

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#Androulakis #model #failed



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